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Are women prohibited from speaking to men just as they are prohibited from leading prayers ?


Dated: 08/05/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Are women prohibited from speaking to men just as they are prohibited from leading prayers ?

Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqar Zila Talanha is known to have addressed armies. She is known to have answered questions of whoever went to her seeking knowledge. So it’s impossible to interpret this verse, I mean this injunction as you have interpreted it. Only a certain situation it is prohibited. And that situation has been described, that of prayer.

So you shouldn’t extend something beyond the limit which has been already been described. Yes please. And you could hear the voice. Yes. No no not at all, not at all. Only the holy, you know the holy Quran has manifestly made it clear to everybody that if a woman does not does not intentionally in gives and does not intentionally give inflection to her voice to attract people then she is at liberty to speak to anybody in any way on any subject. So when the holy Quran itself has made it very clear why should a question arise about that.

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