لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ‎

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& Learn Islam


Islam literally means peace, submission and to be in amity and concord. The name ‘Islam’ signifies the attainment of a perfectly peaceful and eternally blissful life through a complete submission to the Will of God. Its teachings are aligned with human nature. Islam is a religion of science and rationality.

Islam the Final Lesson

Islam is the perfection of that same religion sent by God at the dawn of civilization and then resent throughout history. God, then, sent Islam by revealing the Qur’an through the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

Just as a child is first taught alphabets, so God began teaching religion in primitive forms to the early civilizations. Starting with Prophet Adam, God sent his prophets to all people with the passing of time. Just as mankind was undergoing physical and intellectual evolution, so was it undergoing a religious and spiritual evolution. Finally, when the world reached a stage of understanding that was required for the final lesson from God, He sent His final and complete Word—the Holy Qur’an.

Islam not only corrects the errors, which had found their way into previous religious traditions with the passing of time, it also illustrates such truths as have never been taught to mankind. Islam meets all the spiritual and moral requirements of an ever-advancing human society.

Object of Human Life

According to Islam, the object of human life is to attain spiritual heights by worshipping the One God and serving His creations. It teaches that everyone has the seed of perfect spiritual development, but rests solely with a person; whether he realizes this full potential or not is a choice he must make. Humans are created by God in the best make, according to Islam.

Islam is the religion that provides true understanding of God and prescribes His true worship. Islam is inherent in human nature and humans are created in accord with Islam.

Islam teaches that spiritual heights are attained by enhancing progressively the quality of one’s relationship with God, through purification of the soul by worshipping Him and performing good deeds.

Islam, Its Fundamental Doctrine

The cardinal doctrine of Islam is the Unity of God. There is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. God is free from all defects, Holy and Transcendent. He is All-Good, All-Mercy and All-Power. He has no partner. He neither begets nor is He begotten, because these are the traits of frail and weak humanity.

Furthermore, Islam helps us to establish a permanent relationship with God and to realize Him during our earthly life as our Helper in all our affairs and undertakings. This Unity of God is the first and foremost pillar of Islam and every other belief hangs upon it.

Articles of Islamic Faith

Islam requires that every Muslim:

– Believe in the absolute Unity of God
– Believe in all the Angels of God, who are spiritual beings created by God to perform various assigned duties.
– Believe in all the books revealed by God including Gita, Torah, Psalms, Gospels and Qur’an.
– Believe in all the Prophet and Messengers of God including Zoroaster, Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammadsa and Ahmadas (peace be upon them all).
– Believe in the Last Day of Resurrection and Judgement of humanity.
– Believe in the Decree of God i.e. believing that both the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Religion have been devised by God and He alone holds supreme power over these laws which are operating in the world.

Islam, The Formula for Peace

Islam provides practical guidelines for the achievement of internal and external peace and comfort. Islam is equally useful and beneficial for all segments of the human society. It provides guidance for all, and it establishes a sure and certain relationship with the Creator as that is the sure path to complete peace.

Islam, Its Five Pillars

There are five pillars of Islam, or five acts of worship prescribed in Islam:

– Bearing witness that there is none worthy of worship but God, and Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger.
– Observance of Prayer five times a day.
– Fasting from dawn to dusk during one month (month of Ramadhan) every year.
– Paying a fixed portion of charity on accumulated wealth for the benefit of the poor and needy.
– Pilgrimage to the Ka‘aba in Makkah, Arabia, at least once in lifetime if conditions permit.

Muhammad, Prophet of Islam

Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, was born in Makkah, Arabia in the sixth century. He was know throughout Arabia for his honesty and piety. He was inspired with a strong love for God and humanity. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from God.

God commissioned him as His Messenger and Prophet. The central theme of his message was the achievement of internal and external peace through spiritual union with One God.

True to his character, Prophet Muhammad practiced what he preached and provided a living example of all that Islam teaches. His humility, truthfulness, tolerance, resolve, courage, kindness, and wisdom continue to be a great source of enlightenment and stand as a model for humanity to emulate.

Qur’an, The Holy Book of Islam

The Holy Qur’an is the literal Word of God and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years.

The Holy Qur’an encompasses a vast array of teachings and is comprehensive code of conduct for humanity. It contains more than 700 commandments giving guidance on each and every aspect of human life. The Qur’an also contains numerous prophecies for the future.

The Holy Qur’an is preserved in Arabic the very in which it was revealed. There are many Muslims who have also memorized the entire Qur’an. Despite being over 1400 years old the Qur’anic text has remained intact as promised in the Qur’an by God Himself.

Its teachings are timeless and matchless. It forms a complete manual, for all people of all ages and all races. It teaches absolute justice and clearly distinguishes right from wrong. Its teachings contain profound wisdom. It tackles issues faced by humanity in their day-to-day existence in an effort to help make life as rewarding as possible.

Islam literally means peace, submission and to be in amity and concord. The name ‘Islam’ signifies the attainment of a perfectly peaceful and eternally blissful life through a complete submission to the Will of God. Its teachings are aligned with human nature. Islam is a religion of science and rationality.

Islam is the perfection of that same religion sent by God at the dawn of civilization and then resent throughout history. God, then, sent Islam by revealing the Qur’an through the Holy Prophet Muhammad.


Just as a child is first taught alphabets, so God began teaching religion in primitive forms to the early civilizations. Starting with Prophet Adam, God sent his prophets to all people with the passing of time. Just as mankind was undergoing physical and intellectual evolution, so was it undergoing a religious and spiritual evolution. Finally, when the world reached a stage of understanding that was required for the final lesson from God, He sent His final and complete Word—the Holy Qur’an.


Islam not only corrects the errors, which had found their way into previous religious traditions with the passing of time, it also illustrates such truths as have never been taught to mankind. Islam meets all the spiritual and moral requirements of an ever-advancing human society.

According to Islam, the object of human life is to attain spiritual heights by worshipping the One God and serving His creations. It teaches that everyone has the seed of perfect spiritual development, but rests solely with a person; whether he realizes this full potential or not is a choice he must make. Humans are created by God in the best make, according to Islam.

Islam is the religion that provides true understanding of God and prescribes His true worship. Islam is inherent in human nature and humans are created in accord with Islam.

Islam teaches that spiritual heights are attained by enhancing progressively the quality of one’s relationship with God, through purification of the soul by worshipping Him and performing good deeds.

The cardinal doctrine of Islam is the Unity of God. There is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. God is free from all defects, Holy and Transcendent. He is All-Good, All-Mercy and All-Power. He has no partner. He neither begets nor is He begotten, because these are the traits of frail and weak humanity.

Furthermore, Islam helps us to establish a permanent relationship with God and to realize Him during our earthly life as our Helper in all our affairs and undertakings. This Unity of God is the first and foremost pillar of Islam and every other belief hangs upon it.

Islam requires that every Muslim:


  • Believe in the absolute Unity of God
  • Believe in all the Angels of God, who are spiritual beings created by God to perform various assigned duties.
  • Believe in all the books revealed by God including Gita, Torah, Psalms, Gospels and Qur’an.
  • Believe in all the Prophet and Messengers of God including Zoroaster, Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammadsa and Ahmadas (peace be upon them all).
  • Believe in the Last Day of Resurrection and Judgement of humanity.
  • Believe in the Decree of God i.e. believing that both the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Religion have been devised by God and He alone holds supreme power over these laws which are operating in the world.

Islam provides practical guidelines for the achievement of internal and external peace and comfort. Islam is equally useful and beneficial for all segments of the human society. It provides guidance for all, and it establishes a sure and certain relationship with the Creator as that is the sure path to complete peace.

There are five pillars of Islam, or five acts of worship prescribed in Islam:


  • Bearing witness that there is none worthy of worship but God, and Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger.
  • Observance of Prayer five times a day.
  • Fasting from dawn to dusk during one month (month of Ramadhan) every year.
  • Paying a fixed portion of charity on accumulated wealth for the benefit of the poor and needy.
  • Pilgrimage to the Ka‘aba in Makkah, Arabia, at least once in lifetime if conditions permit.

Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, was born in Makkah, Arabia in the sixth century. He was know throughout Arabia for his honesty and piety. He was inspired with a strong love for God and humanity. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from God.


God commissioned him as His Messenger and Prophet. The central theme of his message was the achievement of internal and external peace through spiritual union with One God.


True to his character, Prophet Muhammad practiced what he preached and provided a living example of all that Islam teaches. His humility, truthfulness, tolerance, resolve, courage, kindness, and wisdom continue to be a great source of enlightenment and stand as a model for humanity to emulate.

The Holy Qur’an is the literal Word of God and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years.


The Holy Qur’an encompasses a vast array of teachings and is comprehensive code of conduct for humanity. It contains more than 700 commandments giving guidance on each and every aspect of human life. The Qur’an also contains numerous prophecies for the future.


The Holy Qur’an is preserved in Arabic the very in which it was revealed. There are many Muslims who have also memorized the entire Qur’an. Despite being over 1400 years old the Qur’anic text has remained intact as promised in the Qur’an by God Himself.


Its teachings are timeless and matchless. It forms a complete manual, for all people of all ages and all races. It teaches absolute justice and clearly distinguishes right from wrong. Its teachings contain profound wisdom. It tackles issues faced by humanity in their day-to-day existence in an effort to help make life as rewarding as possible.


Islam is the perfection of that same religion sent by God at the dawn of civilization and then resent throughout history. God, then, sent Islam by revealing the Qur’an through the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

Just as a child is first taught alphabets, so God began teaching religion in primitive forms to the early civilizations. Starting with Prophet Adam, God sent his prophets to all people with the passing of time. Just as mankind was undergoing physical and intellectual evolution, so was it undergoing a religious and spiritual evolution. Finally, when the world reached a stage of understanding that was required for the final lesson from God, He sent His final and complete Word—the Holy Qur’an.

Islam not only corrects the errors, which had found their way into previous religious traditions with the passing of time, it also illustrates such truths as have never been taught to mankind. Islam meets all the spiritual and moral requirements of an ever-advancing human society.


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The One God of All Time

In Islam there is only One God, and Allah is the Arabic name for that Divine Being. Allah has revealed himself to mankind through His messengers (prophets), from the very first moment that human intellect was able to conceive the notion of God.

Allah has revealed to mankind that He has no partner, nor does He have any biological children or anything like unto Him. Allah is the perfect and peerless being who is the Creator, Sustainer and Master of the universe. He is All-Powerful and All-Knowing. His Knowledge comprehends all things and there is nothing that is outside His power.



The One God of All Time

Prophets are individuals sent by God during dark periods of moral decline, to bring people back to God. Prophets are those exceedingly rare persons whom God has granted extraordinary spiritual capacities, similar to how some individuals are born with special physical abilities.

This spiritual capacity to have communion with God is not something supernatural that only prophets possess though, rather this is the province of all mankind, and indeed is the purpose for which mankind was created – to hold communion with the Divine. However, though spiritual faculties and the ability to advance in cognition of God is latent within all people, these spiritual capacities are at their apex within prophets of God…

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at

Origin and Foundation

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at was founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, India, in 1889. He declared that he was the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (the Guided Imam), and that his advent was in fulfilment of the various prophecies regarding the Promised Reformer of the Latter Days. He founded Ahmadiyyat, which is not a new religion, but a revival of the true Islam, and represents the essence of the pristine Islam in all of its purity, as enunciated by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.

The Jama`at established by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas is an embodiment of the benevolent message of all world religions—peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to Divine injunctions and commandments. Attach photo of Promised Messiah(as)

Objectives and Charter

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at was established under Divine guidance with the objective of reviving high moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, and diligently seeks to remove misunderstandings between all faiths. It advocates peace, mutual respect, love and understanding among the followers of various faiths. It firmly believes that there must not be any compulsion in matters of religion. It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and under any pretext.

The Community strives to revive faith in Allah; to expound spiritual beauties and excellences of the teachings of Allah; to infuse hope, faith and courage in the hearts of all races and nations of the world; and to inculcate among them the spirit of tolerance, goodwill and a feeling of true brotherhood. Thus, it seeks to unite humanity with its Creator and thereby establish peace throughout the world.

Organization and Leadership

After the demise of its founder in 1908, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at has been led by elected successors – Khalifatul-Masih. The present Khalifatul-Masih, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, was elected in 2003, and is the fifth successor. Khalifatul-Masih is the spiritual and administrative head of the Jama`at. The Community is further organized into various auxiliary organizations for women, children, youth and senior men. ATTACH PHOTO OF HAZUR ANWAR(AA)

Publications and Media

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at endeavors to serve humanity by creating awareness about high morals, for instance, via publications, sermons and other forms of media.

Most notable is the publication of the Holy Qur’an with translations in over 76 languages. Other community publications include more than 80 books of the Promised Messiah, numerous magazines and newspapers, and books on contemporary topics such as, “Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth” dealing with these concepts in light of scientific evidence and teachings of the Holy Qur’an.

Another outstanding achievement of the Community is the Muslim Television Ahmadiyya—MTA, a 24-hour global satellite broadcasting 8 channels in 23 different languages.

Social and Moral Values

The members of the Community are expected to illustrate in their daily lives high levels of social, moral and spiritual values. They are also committed to promote friendship, goodwill and righteousness among themselves, and among all communities and nations.

Service to Humanity

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at is noted for its active engagement in social welfare and in meeting the medical and educational needs, not only of its own members but also of communities in which they reside. For instance, in Africa and Asia, there are scores of Ahmadiyya Muslim schools and medical facilities operating at no cost to the public.

The Community has launched several social projects to help developing countries in Africa and Asia, and to assist the victims of wars and natural disasters like in India, Turkey, Bosnia, Kosovo, Indonesia or Pakistan.

Members of the Community serve humanity through selfless sacrifices, devotion and love.

Financial System

In matters of finance, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at is self-supporting and completely independent. Its main source of income are voluntary contributions, and the spirit of sacrifice of its members. In addition to occasional appeals to raise funds for special projects, the earning members are expected to regularly donate to the Community a specific portion of their income. Above all, millions of its members routinely offer countless hours of regular voluntary services, to assist the Community to achieve its objectives.

Members of the Jama`at have earned the distinction of being law-abiding, peaceful, hard-working and benevolent citizens all over the world.


The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at is international in scope, with communities established in over 200 countries, in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. It is the most dynamic and positive religious force on earth today.

Members of the Jama`at have earned the distinction of being law-abiding, peaceful, hard-working and benevolent citizens all over the world.

Unification of all Faiths

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at believes in all the prophets and religious teachers appointed by God, including Muhammadsa, Abrahamas, Mosesas, Jesus,as Krishnaas, Buddhaas, Confuciusas, and Zoroasteras. It regards them all as heavenly teachers sent to reform humanity and to establish its communion with God, the Creator. Therefore, it seeks to establish peace between all religions, by testifying to the truth of the original teachings of various faiths.

The followers of all great religions awaited the advent of a Promised One in the Latter Days, as it is predicted in their Holy Scriptures. The Hindus awaited Krishna, the Jews and Christians the Messiah, the Buddhists the Buddha and the Muslims the Imam Mahdi and Messiah. Under Divine guidance, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas made the momentous disclosure that in fact only one such person representing all the Promised Ones was to appear and humanity would ultimately be brought into the fold of one Universal Religion.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at, claimed to be that Promised One who was awaited throughout the world, in various faiths. He also proclaimed that the religion chosen by Almighty God for the universal and final manifestation of His Unity was Islam.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at in Canada

Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at began arriving in Canada in the 1920s. The Community was officially registered in Canada in 1966. The current headquarters of the Jama`at in Canada is Baitul Islam Mosque located in Maple, ON.

In Canada, the Community has a significant presence and is actively involved in various social, educational and interfaith activities. It is known for its commitment to peace, interfaith dialogue and humanitarian efforts. Each year the Jama`at’s Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) attracts a significant number of participants and provides a great platform for spiritual reflection, education and community building. You can find more details at www.jalsasalana.ca.

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