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If Guru Baba Nanak was actually a Muslim, then is reasonable to assume that Sikhism’s “Kakas” were added later ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 11/11/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

If Guru Baba Nanak was actually a Muslim, then is reasonable to assume that Sikhism’s “Kakas” were added later ?

Am I correct in assuming, Huzoor, that with the passage of time and due to the militant tendency that Huzoor has referred to amongst the Sikhs, at the time of Siddhi Govind Singh, some of the khakas were added because my belief is that Hazrat Baba Guru Nanak did not even wear a case. You are absolutely right. All the khakas were inventions of later times, yes. Am I correct? Yes. Khakas were added by Guru Govind Singh.

I don’t exactly remember whether all the khakas were invented and introduced by Guru Govind Singh or not, but the militant tendencies were definitely led by Guru Govind Singh. And he is the main champion for the militant tendencies among the Sikhs, but they were born out of political requirements and exigencies, not religious requirements.

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