It is about the janaza ghayab. The Hanafi do not say janaza ghayab, only Shafi. What is the basis for it? Well, the basis, the idea is that if somebody, some person dies somewhere whose janaza is not attended by an appropriate number of Muslims, or maybe not attended at all, and the corpse is not accessible, what will you do? A janaza ghayab is a must. So the idea in fact originated from this exigency, this possibility. But later on, it also developed into something else.
Some people die, and some other people, out of their deep attachment to them, or their own religious status, want to say janaza prayer of such people. And physically they can’t make themselves present while the janaza is being said. So both these necessities gave birth to this janaza ghayab concept. And because already some Muslim schools of jurisprudence have accepted this, so Jamaat Ahmadiyya has also taken it up.