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What is the significance of the prophecy of the 72 sects if no one is sure how many sects have come and gone ?

Dated: 23/08/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

What is the significance of the prophecy of the 72 sects if no one is sure how many sects have come and gone ?

On this side, but as I mentioned people go on counting and then also losing some sects Because they came and went Generally speaking speaking. This is true, but please sit down As far as the Ahmadis go the most important thing to be remembered is this That never before in the history of Islam It happened That all the sects joined hands to chuck one sect out of Islam That was the first time in the history of Islam that happened so and at that time in 1974 when this was done their papers mentioned the number 72 Even in Navaya Bhakt it was published that the 72 sects of Islam Have joined forces To declare Ahmadis at not Muslims and that is that and it is finished once and for all So why that number?

Came to their head It was a decree of Allah. It was Allah’s design That they should remind the ummah that that which was prophesied has been has come to be fulfilled What was the prophecy and what was to be fulfilled what came to pass it on their own on 6 6 or 7 7th of September 1984 that has to be 74 74 I’m sorry that should be very clearly understood by you now 72 sects and That is what they claimed We are not bothered with the number But whatever the number be all the rest of the sects of Islam got together and said we are Muslims and The one whom we are checking out is Jamaat Ahmadiyya At that time they were decent enough to use Ahmadi the word Ahmadi and Jamaat Ahmadiyya And Qadiani and Mirza went into brackets.

Now Ahmadiyya has gone into the brackets and Qadiani and Mirza has sprung out from the bracket and occupied the main place But those were the old decent days of 74 as compared to the 84 this how rapidly Some people are deteriorating in character and morality So what happened was that they declared that all the rest that is we belong to one Denomination that is called Islam and One Jamaat, which is Ahmadiyya Jamaat is outside the pale of Jamaat of Islam Now what we are you argued at the floor has a salifatul muslih Salih’s pointed out Very clearly and warned them was this that look here. Ah, there’s a la la la la la la la la la prophesied That a time would come unfortunately when 72 sects would be on the one hand and one sect on the other the 72 it would be who would be hellish and It would be only the one Who would be heavenly?

So whatever the number that is not the not the point. The point is that you are rebelling against Your own so-called the holiest of prophets The so-called goes to your own While we believe not to the holiest the word so-called I referred I meant to refer to Their claim that they love him So, how could they love him at the same time? to Dare to rebel against him What was the nature of rebellion? This is what I’m going to explain and Which has a salifatul muslih Salih explained at length before the National Assembly? He said the import of this prediction is this That a time is going to come when there would be division and The division would grow so large that it may reach the number 72 at that time Only one sect would be heavenly that is truly Muslim and the rest would be Non unheavenly that is in reality.

They would not remain any any more Muslims So what you are doing is you are exactly putting it opposite. I mean taking an exactly opposite position to his position You say the 72 are heavenly and one is hellish While answer sallallahu alayhi wasallam said one would be heavenly and the 72 would be hellish So he said you can call us Hellish, but first count us among the 72 then call us in violation So all of you Can’t be counted in one packet pocket and yet be entitled as heavenly each one who has to claim that he that particular sect is heavenly has to first walk out of that pocket and Then declare the rest are heaven hellish and we are heavenly.

So what you are doing is You are declaring That the number 72 applies to you that is valid because that does not agree with disagree with your soul loss a little prediction So we agree But the title is wrong You are placing the wrong title in the wrong place So that was made very clear That Was the only time when this happened and this was the prediction of our rule sallallahu alayhi wasallam that that was going to happen one day Never before it had happened that 72 agreed to this fact That all the 72 were Muslim. That’s another aspect of looking at it The one aspect which I was discussing before was this That it was the first time that 72 agreed that One community was not Muslim and it was outside the pale of the 72 The second claim which they made at that time was this that we the 72 Despite our internal differences or Muslims They are all Muslims How are they all Muslims now, let us consider at some detail That declaration also meant that from now on Within the being within the 72 You could hold the view that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq r.a, Hazrat Umar r.a, Hazrat Usman Ghani r.a They were all not only not caliphs, but also were imposters and usurpers and were nauzbillah minzalik ru’usul munafiqeen not ru’usul momineen.

You can keep this view and yet be among us the Muslims That was also declared at the same time and you can also keep this view that if you believe Such and such and thing about the holy caliphs of Islam You will go to hell You will still keep that view and be counted among the 72 Muslim sects You could also hold that whoever prostrates before the graves or begs of the dead saints in Islam Who are no longer alive and believe that they can come and Give you something by way of present or alms or also believe That our hudra sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shares omniscience with Allah that is he’s all knowledgeable and forever knowledgeable and Also that our hudra sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shares omnipresence with Allah that is to say he is present everywhere every time and when during Madood Sharif you Take his name He is there personally to listen to you.

So you should stand up out of respect If you hold all these views You remain Muslim and there is nothing wrong with these views that was also declared on that day And if you hold the view That to believe in these things is pure and simple idolatry It has nothing to do with Islam and the unity of God It hits at the very roots of the unity of God Still you can be as a good Muslim and there is nothing wrong with you It was also declared that if you believe That our hudra sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was just like a brother to us one of us This is as good as anything else Even if you believe that it is possible for Allah to tell lies He refrains from it But he could tell lies if he should if he so pleased and he could indulge in sodomy This is what is written by the Devbandi sects in their books and he could do this and you could do that Go on believing.

There’s absolutely no harm. Nothing wrong with that Islam and If on the other hand you believe that to hold such views Immediately turns out of the veil of Islam and you are no longer Muslim in any way Even then that is also good both these You know Opposite poles can join hands and remain in peace within the pocket of the 72 Muslims So on and so forth and this unlimited number of examples you can believe that Allah can talk and will continue to talk as Some saints of Islam have to have been claiming and you can believe that whoever believes that Allah will talk becomes non-muslim Yet both these beliefs will remain in peace with each other within the pocket of the 72 So contradiction upon contradiction was created on that single day Such a day had never dawned before in the history of Islam as the day of the 7th September of 1974 On that day all these prophecies of our hazrat sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were fulfilled fulfilled and This was the demonstration how they were fulfilled if you are so dishonest That’s privately you nourish grudges against each other and you know yourself That within your hearts you believe that such and such person is a kafir according to you But out of the hatred of somebody you are getting together and giving it a semblance of unity This is the height of dissemblance.

So dissemblance cannot go to heaven So the proof why they should have shouldn’t go to heaven was also provided with by their leaders That they agreed upon their committed disagreements For the sake of one so-called common enemy Now this thought of unity has been described in Islam and by the by the Holy Quran The Holy Quran does not say that the Those who deny a messenger of Allah They do not have any sort of Unity or oneness on the contrary the Holy Quran declares al-kufru millatun wahida In denial they become one al-kufru millatun wahida means in denial they become one while in reality they are not How have I inferred the second part in reality they are not That inference is drawn from another verse which says Taasabuhum yameeyam wa quloobuhum shatta You consider you look at them as if they’re all together Forging one unity Wa quloobuhum shatta While their hearts are a dagger drawn with each other They are parted So the same people are referred to as millatun wahida and Also as those who are scattered and diversified and they’re opposed to each other The philosophies also mentioned that their apparent unity Springs not from love of Allah But hatred of someone al-kufru millatun wahida, al-imanun millatun wahida is not said about them.

So there are two types of unity one forged by faith and love and the creative forces that are that the man is endowed with and other unity is forged by the forces of hatred and disparity That is the type of unity which was forged on that day because they got together on denial not on acceptance of something a Further proof of this Was manifested in their changing the definition of Islam Islam Was not a religion which was revealed on 7th of September 1974 It was in existence Right from the time of muhammad mustafa sallallahu sallam and in some way or some form It has always been in existence whenever a prophet came. He was in fact preaching a part of Islam The difference is that during the time of our Huzoor sallallahu sallam the whole of Islam got revealed Previously it was only a part of Islam which was revealed from time to time But Islam it was there is no denial.

So What happened on that day on the day of 7th September? That a new definition had to be minted otherwise Islam could not be defined The definition which was handed down to us through generations That whoever believes in la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasool Allah becomes a Muslim Became extremely insufficient Because through that definition Ahmadis could also enter the fold of Islam So a negative definition that is kufr Had to be created Never before in history of any religion Such a negative Definition was created You know when it said that unless you deny Hazrat Muhammad Mustazza Masih Maud and reject him and refute Ahmadiyyat Not only that but enter into blasphemy against him You will not be accepted as a Muslim.

So that was a new definition While they forgot that the definitions two definitions are always ageless and spaceless a Definition knows neither time nor space You can’t conceive of any definition Which is limited to time or limited to space? for instance when you say Human beings define human being and say I’ll in sound not at all a rational animal Now if a rational element is found in China or in Africa or in Congo The definition would still apply no geographic barriers Can affect a definition? wherever a Rational animal will be found. He will be declared as homo sapien or human being and If such a man is found 200,000 years before Before the history of mankind was ever Created as we know it Still that man would be called a human being because this definition of Rational animal animal applies to him so it works both backwards and forwards sideways Forward and backward. I mean every direction is covered by a definition. You can’t put a barrier upon a definition But so this is why la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah is a definition Because there was no time in Islam when anybody saying that it Could not enter Islam No place on earth where you declare la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah, and you do not become a Muslim immediately.

Even before the time of hazzat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu sallam Conceive of someone who has been told by Allah that answer the sallallahu sallam were to appear If he knows this definition Even if he happens to be 4,000 years before a loser Salam if he declares la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah He would immediately become Muslim So this is what his definition it is timeless and spaceless This definition that was created on that day was neither timeless nor spaceless Walk out of the barriers of Pakistan into India and you immediately become Muslim Because that that definition is not applicable there It is only With reference to the Constitution and law of Pakistan that you become non-muslims So what sort of definition that is? you go back in time before the time of hazzat Maseema sallallahu sallam and Apply this definition all the people before Maseema sallallahu sallam would become non-muslims through this definition Because they didn’t know to whom they who was to be denied who was to be denied and Because they did not add the denial part of the definition in their confession.

According to the definition do not become Muslims So when they made us not Muslims by that definition in fact the entire history of Islam was inherited by us Because according to the same definition all the past Muslims had become not Muslims Because if it is an integral part of a definition of Islam that somebody should be denied as an imposter Then whoever doesn’t do it. He doesn’t become Muslim What sort of definition that is where you can ignore certain parts and still fall into that definition come into the four walls of their definition.

So it is an illogical situation, which they face and they’re closing their eyes to it Two definitions cannot be changed So this is why answer the sallallahu sallam declared That they will find themselves in an impossible position They will try to check one community out which echo in the eyes of Allah would be heavenly and in the same process They would themselves become unheavenly to say the least Because if that is a true definition, then they are committing a very grave crime unpardonable That all the people who were born before Masih-e-Maudalaih sallallahu sallam were not Muslims Because they had never heard of this definition and they were not according to the standard of this definition not Muslims or Muslims So this is what happens when you try to achieve something illogical and impossible so that day brought a a host of Favorable arguments to in the to the lap of Ahmadiyya such shining and bright arguments as nobody can defend his position against In fact at that time even the ignorant began to see what had happened Once After doing that Jalsa Salah of 74 I was working in a langar khana at Nazim langar khana So after that when we were dispersing and paying off the labor one of the non-Ahmadi labor previously non-Ahmadi I should say he told everybody to sit before departing and listen to him and There he made a short speech in Punjabi and said look here. We are ignorant people.

We didn’t know Who was right and who was wrong? The only thing which has made me convinced now that Ahmadiyyat is true Is this that the Maulvi used to tell us that 72 would be Nari That is hellish and only one would be the Community which according to Allah is heavenly. He said I we couldn’t know which one So with the grace of Allah the 72 themselves have pointed out that that is the community So I have received the message and I declare myself to be an MD from now on it’s up to you To follow your own course So that he was a totally ignorant person belonging to some junk village and He had seen through this So that was an argument Which was irrefutable By the non-Ahmadis and it still is irrefutable.

Moreover there is one other interesting part to that tradition, which is generally ignored by Ahmadis That is that when our Rasulullah declared That 72 would be hellish and one would be heavenly One of the present asked him How could we find out Ya Rasulullah? Which one? Which community was the fortunate community you are referring to as heavenly and Which are the other 72? Now, this is a very difficult question Project yourself into such a position and You won’t be able to find any answer Satisfactory to everybody and easy to understand. How could you give a Your measuring stick To measure the truth of every sect to an ordinary Muslim It is a very scholarly job people in fact spend the whole lifetimes to pursue and to investigate the truth of claimants and to differentiate between truth and falsehood and to go into investigating the Relative Relative claims to truth of 72 sects.

That’s a very onerous task to say the least So one of the present among the Sahaba that is the companions of Akram sallallahu alaihi wasallam Got extremely puzzled. He said only one would be heavenly out of 73 and We are bound to be one of the one belonging to that one How could we judge in such a position that they are 72 and this is one So look at our loose and Allah Allah some greatness That what appeared to be an impossible question. He made it appear so easy and simple That one is stupefied He simply said mana alayhi wasalli Why can’t you judge between the 72 and the one? the one would be In the same state of affairs as you find me and my followers what happens to me would happen to the one and those who are responsible for those those Bringing about that situation in which we find ourselves Would belong to the 72 because my opponents cannot be heavenly and My followers who find my themselves in my position Cannot go to hell.

This is a simple statement So by saying mana alayhi wasalli he simplified the matters for all times to come and What was that state in which we find our loose a lot of salam at that time? He was made to lose all his civic rights He Could not declare the name of his own faith and so Also, his followers were deprived of that fundamental, right? They said we are Muslims and the opponents beat them What right do you have to call yourself Muslims? Your sabi’s that was a simple statement. You’re misguided. Karyani’s whatever name you give it amounts to the same thing You’re not that which you claim that is the fundamental reality which Was seen as but by the opponents of our salam and by the opponents of Ahmadiyyat now before our eyes.

Then his personal name was objected to he said Not to mention the community name You do not have a right to call yourself Muhammad So we will name you will christen you as they say in England and We have found a very good name for you. That is Muslim mom Now will them in Dalit that was the attitude stance taken by them and this is exactly what has happened in our times in 74 the same year The maulvis were demanding that Ahmadis should not be permitted To call themselves Muhammad and Ahmad and keep these good names We should give them bad names because they are bad people Mosques were demolished and The Muslims mosques were demolished at that time.

This is how they were treated they were deprived of their right to call declare la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah and Ahmadis were declared at that time Unworthy of claiming la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah and they were beaten They were boycotted as our salam was boycotted They were boycotted from food and and drink and made all the necessary necessities of life This is exactly what happened during those days So every right which was snatched away from hajrat Rasool aqam sallallahu sallam Was snatched away by our opponents. That is the 72 from us and Yet, they did not know which one I was the heavenly and which one was the was the opposite How blind they became at that moment right in the 72 When they were declaring us to be not Muslims by the standard of this tradition of our salam Their acts their situation of life was declaring them

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