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Is it true that the Anti-Ahmadiyya Muslim organizations are attempting to copy the organizational structure of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is it true that the Anti-Ahmadiyya Muslim organizations are attempting to copy the organizational structure of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ?

Sir, talking about the Ahmadiyya Organisation, I have learned that even the staunch enemies of Ahmadiyya movement, for example Jamaat-e-Islami etc., they are trying to copy this beautiful system as they have this so-called Jamaat-e-Tulaba, and I have heard that on the same basis… Not only this, they organise their whole Jamaat on the pattern of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. But that is like creating a dummy of a human being. You can’t put life into dummies.

You know, that life is that coded inherent message which comes from Allah, that is supplied through Nizam-e-Khilafat. The quality, the approach, you know, the mutual relation, it’s completely different. It is poisoned at every juncture. Everybody is pulling things for himself, you know, in his direction, more power to be acquired and more to be had, more to be exhibited.

So the whole pattern, I mean the inner pattern is completely different, though the outer pattern is quite similar, apparently a man with a cursory examination, or not having no qualities of going deeper into things, would say another Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is created as if, you know, because Mawlana Madhuri followed Hazrat Musleh Maud so closely, whatever he did he also did.

He even adopted his style of writing and address. He thought therein lies the true wisdom and secret for success. But to no avail. That organization lacks that quality of life which has been supplied to us by Allah himself.

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