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How should one respond to a Christian who says he does not want to consider the Quran because he believes that the Bible is the final Word of God ?

Dated: 22/06/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

How should one respond to a Christian who says he does not want to consider the Quran because he believes that the Bible is the final Word of God ?

This is a question from a Christian friend of mine, who says that God created all the prophets, brought different religions to this world, and every prophet brought his own religion, his own book, till the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam brought the Qur’an and that was the end. We Muslims and Hindus, we believe that the Holy Qur’an is the last book and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was the last prophet.

But a Christian who believes in the Bible, says that whatever the Bible taught me, or Jesus Christ’s teachings, I believe in it, but why should I believe in the Qur’an when God told me to believe in, through Jesus Christ, believe in the Bible? Why should I believe in your Qur’an? So what should be the answer to this question? Have you thought of some answers yourself? Have you ever attempted to answer these questions? The answer should be very simple and straightforward. Why do not they still believe in the superstitions which were called science at the earlier ages and reject the modern discoveries? Why have they changed their concepts about nature?

Because they find the earlier concepts to be incorrect and the modern concepts to be correct. That is the simple way why people change. So the answer is that you should compare the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the observations it has made on various aspects of nature and compare them with the Bible and their observations made in various books of the Bible. And you will find that they are such hocus pocus as compared to the declarations of the Holy Qur’an and so faulty and so contradictory to its own statements that it is no longer a book to be considered reliable. So unless you make a comparative study of the Holy Qur’an and the Bible and know for yourself, you will not be able to cope with such a questioner. But even the non-Muslims have started pointing out these facts.

There is a book written by a French scholar who has compared scientifically the observations made by the Holy Qur’an on certain aspects of nature and the observations made by the Bible on the same aspects of nature. And he points out categorically, repeatedly and proves his point by the latest scientific authorities, by quoting the latest scientific authorities as well, that each time the Holy Qur’an is correct and each time the Bible is either totally incorrect or mostly incorrect. No, that’s just a minute. Let me finish first. And then he points out that the strange thing is that it’s not that in the majority of cases the Holy Qur’an is correct.

Without exception, every time, without fail, the Holy Qur’an is correct. And even on those subjects on which the Bible is completely silent, it speaks of such knowledge as was completely unavailable to the time of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. and which was gradually being revealed to mankind through their studies for the next 1300 or 1400 years. And yet that knowledge was available to him. He said it’s absolutely fantastic. Nobody can believe in it to have originated from human beings. So what’s the point now?

The point he makes is that, as you said, Sajudat, comparing the Qur’an and the Bible, we find that the Bible is wrong. He says that God did provide the Bible. No, no, this is not the attitude of the Holy Qur’an. This is again a very illogical attitude adopted by these people. You have to talk to them like children. The fact is that the Holy Qur’an does not reject the earlier books, but with one modification in its statements, that the earlier books were originally revealed by God, and they contained truth and nothing but the truth, though not the whole truth. That’s another difference between them and the Holy Qur’an. But they were later on interpolated by human beings, and it was they who added falsehood to the truth. And now you find them as ruins.

You can study the general plan and understand that originally they were of a high order and they belonged to the region of truth. The area of truth. But no longer so. For instance, if you go to a ruin of a great palace, from the ruin you can understand that originally it was built for a very useful purpose and it served the purpose while it stood intact. But you no longer can be protected even from rain, not to mention great armies today as you find them.

So the Holy Qur’an does not say that these books were not revealed by God. It says they were revealed by God, all right, but they were changed by human beings, not by God. So what is the answer to this attitude? That was my answer to him. That was a very correct answer. So what was the answer, his answer to you as a rebuttal to this? Quietness. I don’t have an answer to that. So when you have already done all that, why were you asking me? No, no, because the details what you mentioned is not… I see. Yes. Very well. Jazakumullah.

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Updated on November 15, 2024

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