How can we infer that from which particular word Kamaa Sallatana This I have already told, explained so many times that Kamaa does not mean a similarity of equality This is what is erroneously believed that Kamaa means two things which are equal in status It only means they are similar in situation For instance, the Holy Quran tells us that He has sent a prophet to you We have sent a prophet to you Kamaa Arsalna Ila Fir’auna Rasoola Like, the same Kamaa is used here Like we sent Moses earlier to Pharaoh.
So it is a situation which is described a similarity of situation not of status at all Because the same word Kamaa is used to imply that a better, higher prophet has come It doesn’t mean a prophet equal in station or status to Moses So inferiority is out of question anyway I wonder how you thought of inferiority or superiority Because either Kamaa would denote equality or a similarity of situation but not superiority of anybody