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How would one respond to those who say that since everything is finite except God, then prophethood must also be finite ?

Dated: 03/08/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

How would one respond to those who say that since everything is finite except God, then prophethood must also be finite ?

Non-Ahmadis say that God is endless and limitless and he has no end and no beginning, infinite yes and they say except Allah everything is finite and they say that there is a start of the Prophet. Don’t you say that? Yes, I mean, I’m really surprised, you are saying they say. I mean, yes, the whole question, you should say, I say, we say this, we believe, yes, right, please. They make the question in this way, putting that first and then secondly they say that Prophethood has a beginning and that should also have an end, would you kindly explain it? Well everything has a beginning and everything has an end.

So the benefits of Prophets also come to an end. So when benefits come to an end, then a new Prophet has to be sent to restart the issue again. Prophets are finite, Prophethood is not finite, creation is finite, but the process of creation, the phenomena of creation is not finite because that would be imposing limits to Allah.

Prophecy is the character of God, not a human character, to send Prophets is the attribute of God, to create is the attribute of God, so Prophets are finite, but the phenomena of Prophethood is not finite, creation, certain creations, you and me and this microphone and this carpet, all these are finite, but the process of Allah’s creation is not finite because when you put, declare that finite, then Allah becomes finite.

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Updated on November 16, 2024

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