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Did Ahmad (the Promised Messiah) ever prophecy the migration of his followers from Qadian, India?

Dated: 26/05/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Did Ahmad (the Promised Messiah) ever prophecy the migration of his followers from Qadian, India?

Huzoor, this question has been asked for me by a Hindu friend. As the partition of India had a very big effect on the Jama’at, and we had to move from Qadian to Darbar. Correct. Is Hazrat Masih Maud A.S., in any of his writings or his books, he has mentioned this event anywhere? Yes, he has. And that, not at one time, but at many times. Please sit down and let Narayan explain. Number one, Hazrat Masih Maud A.S. was told by Allah, Daav-e-Hijrat, these were the words revealed to him, that you will go through the pain of Hijrah, that is Exodus, according to the Biblical term, or migration, in the modern world, that is called Hijrah. So, he was exactly told that there is going to be a time for you, when you will suffer the pain of Hijrah. Daav means, it’s a wide word in Urdu, but it also can be translated as painful event, or pain. Then, you must have read in the Masjid Mubarak, it was written, another revelation of Hazrat Masih Maud A.S. was written over there, which is also a verse of the Holy Quran. It’s written over there, read it. No, no, no. The same God, who has made the Holy Quran compulsory for you to follow, that is the author of the Holy Quran, your Lord, promises you, that you will positively return to the place you were forced to leave, that is Maad. And that is a verse of the Holy Quran, which was revealed to A.S. about his Hijrah, that is migration, and his return.

So, the same verse was revealed to Hazrat Masih Maud A.S. There is another verse, also from the Holy Quran, which was revealed to him about Hijrah and return. And that said, I’ll recite that to you. That verse relates to an event of Huzoor A.S.’s lifetime. When Hazrat A.S. was forced to leave Mecca and go for Hijrah, at that time there was a war between the eastern empire, that is the empire of Iran, and the western empire, that was the empire of Kaiser, Constantinople’s empire. And Iranians were idolaters at that time. And the Christian empire was, of course, Ahle Kitab, and closer to Islam, in the sense that they also believed in a revealed book, and they also believed in the prophets, in which Islam made incumbent upon every Muslim to believe.

So, in that sense, they were closer. A war was going on between them, these two empires, and temporarily, the Romans got defeated in a small area. From that, these Mushrikeen, that is, idolaters of Mecca, they inferred that, look here, it is going to be our victory, because those who are closer to us in religion, they have defeated those who are closer to you in your religion. So, that is a very good omen for the final victory of Mushrikeen, idolaters, over the believers, that is, the followers of the Prophet. Now, this debate was going on when Allah revealed this verse to the Prophet, and it said, Although temporarily, in a small portion of land, the Romans have been defeated, but you will see positively, after their defeat, they will recapture that area and will become victorious.

Now, that happened much before the event, and it related to places of which Rasul-e-Karim had no idea whatsoever. When this verse was revealed, all the companions of Rasul-e-Akram celebrated that day, and then told the opponents, that is, the idolaters, that, look here, your pleasure, your happiness is just short-lived. Allah has told us, that the same omen is going to turn against you, and Romans will capture their area back, and they will be made victorious over the Iranians. Now, in the next portion it says, That is going to happen within a few years. Now, Bize-Sinin means in Arabic, a period beginning from three years up to nine years.

So, some of the companions of the Holy Prophet went into bed with some idolaters, and said, within three years this is going to happen, so that within three years we will also return to your place, to the place, I mean, to Mecca, our homeland. When Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam heard of this, he called them, those Muslims who had done that, and forbade them to do this. He said, look here, you should know Arabic, this is an Arabic word which begins with three years, the lower limit is three years, and the maximum limit is nine years, so how could you fix it to the lowest limit of your own? Allah never told me that the early limit is going to be the time of our return.

So you can positively tell them that we will return here within nine years, from three to nine years, that is, after three years, not before that, but before the end of nine years. And this incident is also going to take place, the victory of Romans over the Iranians within that specified period. So that is exactly what happened. But Hazrat Masih Maud alaihi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was also revealed this verse without Bij-e-Sineen. It only says, ghalibati roon fee abna l-ardi wahum min ba’di ghallabihim sayyag lihum and it does not mention Bij-e-Sineen at all.

So I remember an incident when during the partition days, my late uncle, Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib, once called me and said, there is a glad tiding, I am going to tell you. Hazrat Masih Maud alaihi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has also been revealed this verse, so that shows we will return to Qadian from three to nine years. So I told him, I said you are highly respectable, I mean I highly respect you and hold you in great esteem and you have much greater knowledge than my humble self has. But permit me to disagree on this point. Hazrat Masih Maud alaihi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has not been revealed the last portion of this verse. God which had said all this, Why did he leave the last portion Bij-e-Sineen? That is a very significant omission and a conscious omission. So that shows that either we will return to Qadian within three years or definitely after nine years. Not within that period, otherwise Allah must have mentioned Bij-e-Sineen.

So that is exactly what happened. So this Hijrah as well as our return has been foretold to Hazrat Masih Maud alaihi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in unambiguous, very clear terms.

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Updated on November 6, 2024

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