The tradition to which you are referring is discussed in detail and that tradition may have many versions but in one version the phenomena is explained at some length and by that version I mean in which the coming of the Messiah is mentioned in fact this what you have said has a context Huzoor said that in the context of the advent of Messiah he said when Messiah would appear there would be great powers on earth and he would think of fighting them for the sake of Islam then Allah will reveal to him and these words which you have mentioned will be a revelation to the Messiah from Allah according to Huzoor Allah would reveal to the Messiah that we have created two big powers on earth it is not for any man or any power on earth to fight them they are too powerful so do not think of fighting them materially recede to the mountain and pray and it is your prayer which is going to melt them like salt what was the word? like salt is melted by water with water this is the whole tradition of Huzoor so what is the meaning of mountain there?
that is very important and interesting to find out the fact is that the mountain is a term of the Holy Quran which applies to great powers great earthly powers as well as to the Holy Quran itself Holy Quran is the greatest mountain on top of these mountains which would overpower them and crush them and this is the Holy Quran has been mentioned in this context in two places in fact in one place it has been mentioned in general terms vaguely but in other place in so many words the first instance is that where Hazrat Moses is known to have begged Allah to reveal to him that glorious manifestation.
Which was meant for Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. I am explaining that to us the fact is that when he said Allah I want to see you what he meant was that although you have shown yourself to me partly I want to see you as you are going to appear to Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. that is your full glory I want to see you in full glory meant, I want to see you in the glory in which you will appear to Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. Allah said no, you will not be able to tolerate it and he insisted he said no you must please be shown this has been mentioned in a tradition as well, tradition of the Holy Prophet but that interpretation holds good in the light of that tradition of Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. so Allah said alright, I will show that on the mountain and you will see what happens so the mountain got shattered and he could not tolerate it and he fell down in his womb so Hazrat Rasulullah s.a.w.’s revelation was meant which was in fact more powerful than the mountains that is my inference.
Now I refer to the particular verse which I mentioned mentioned this in so many words here Allah tells us that that revelation which he was asking was the Holy Quran and nothing else that Musa begged for because here the whole secret is out now Arabic you would have seen it shattered to pieces with the awe of Allah it is so powerful a revelation that mountains could not tolerate it so in reality it is the heart of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. which is the biggest mountain which was the recipient of this heavy load so when Allah tells Hazrat Rasulullah s.a.w. that I will reveal to your follower your servant Messiah Ahmad that you seek refuge in the mountain all that was meant was to seek refuge under the shadow of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. and under the shadow of the Holy Quran because in essence the Holy Quran is the mountain or bigger than mountains and in reality what could not be tolerated, born by mountains was born by the heart of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. that showed that he was a much greater mountain than these earthly mountains yes exactly that mountain was not created that was created.
When Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. came into being and in the third place it is further explained where the Holy Quran tells us Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w. so he was bigger than mountains in his strength in his steadfastness, in his capabilities to receive the heavy load of this amanah that is the Holy Quran so by that tradition I have always understood the message to be that Allah would tell Huzoor-e-Hazrat Messiah Muhammad s.a.w. according to that prophecy not to fight physically with them and those who say he ignored jihad and spoke against jihad, how can they translate this tradition, when will take this tradition where Huzoor-e-Hazrat tells us that Allah would himself reveal to him that no physical jihad from now on is permitted to you come under the shadow of the Holy Quran and stay under the shadow of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. and pray and it is your prayer which is going to bring about great changes in the world and they will melt by themselves as if salt is melted under the influence of water Right