it is prohibited it is prohibited positively exactly Sula Hudaybiyah where he considered it to be prohibited while the rest of the followers, his companions they thought it was your choice you could go to Hajj despite the dangers on the way but Huzoor-e-Akram interpreted it differently he said it is prohibited.
So I will not perform Hajj Sir, my question is that we know that for Ahmadis in Saudi Arabia it is prohibited and there are many dangers for an Ahmadi who performs Hajj prosecuted under those circumstances when an Ahmadi performs Hajj doesn’t he contravene the Islamic sanctions? it all depends upon what he thinks about it there are certain Ahmadis from certain countries who are granted visas by Saudi Arabian government and they feel quite secure and as long as they feel secure there is no reason why they should interpret it as you interpreted it that because there is a potent danger so they shouldn’t perform Hajj but if somebody believes that the danger is there and still performs Hajj that is in contravention to the spirit of that injunction which we have just quoted