No, I tell you such incidents and even much more complicated ones for which there was completely no explanation available have been investigated here in Europe and in America. And some incidents were so baffling that people thought that no explanation was possible other than a ghost. Even here in England only recently certain things took place in some northern district and stories came up not a few years but let’s say during the before three decades in the recent history anyway and stories came in the papers and investigations were held by the newspaper people and very intelligent men were sent and they published their reports that everything is above doubt.
Then later on by chance it so happened that somebody who was visiting there he came upon that trick. So there was mostly it was discovered that trickstery was involved in such cases. Some people wanted to bring a house bad name for it to be sold out for paltry price or for their own personal vengeance and things. And things can be invented in a manner that such experiences can be produced without being detected by a casual observer. He was still a casual observer. No investigation was held into the matter. So these things are not to be trusted too much I mean too seriously taken, too seriously unless an investigation is held. Hazrat Musleh Maud R.A. used to call used to tell everybody that whenever you have an experience of a jinn let me know and I will immediately send someone with instructions to investigate the matter and then I will see.
But no one came forward to him at least. Yet I do not say that jinns do not exist as such something different to man. They may exist but they are not very important in our lives. Had they been important their role would have been mentioned in the Holy Quran or in the tradition. In the affairs of men they are not given any importance by Allah the word of Allah or by the word of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W. So if you begin to promote these ideas what will happen would be that you will lead people to superstition and ultimately the whole religious fibre will be destroyed. So this is why we discourage such things because it is of no use. But still it is possible, I don’t deny that that there could be jinns and there are certain phenomena which cannot be explained and they are very pious people.
Among Ahmadis even Sahaba S.A.W. a very high order interpute who believed in jinns and I have also seen some things for which I still don’t know any explanation. It could be anything but to believe in jinn is not important. Had it been important then it would have been made a part of Imaniyat. It’s totally missing there. And moreover the jinns of the Mullah who work love potions and things and steal other people’s chirga and you know roast beef etc. Such jinns are not mentioned in the Holy Quran at all. So why to bother so much about this thing which may create much more evil than any good to you. If they exist let them. Doesn’t make any difference.