No, no, that incident which you are quoting does not indicate what you are indicating, unfortunately. The fact is that when Ahazrat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was told to sign, he knew how to sign his name. That is one thing he had learnt. But when he was made a prophet, at that time he was totally illiterate, in the sense that he had not read the art of reading or writing at all. But he learnt how to write his name. And he knew where it was written. And he was dictating what was being dictated to Hazrat Ali. It was dictated by Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that write this and write that.
So he knew what was written just before he was expected to sign. It was written Muhammadur Rasulullah. So the opponent, being hostile to the claim of Ahazrat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that he was Rasulullah, Allah’s prophet, insisted that in this agreement, this word Rasulullah should not enter. Because in the first place, we do not believe you to be Rasulullah. Had we believed you to be Rasulullah, why should we have behaved in such a manner to you? So remove this Rasulullah, otherwise it will be a reflection upon us that knowing you to be Rasulullah, agreeing to this, having considered the point, yet we began to behave in such a manner to you and were so hostile.
So he said in principle I object to this. Sahaba took it sentimentally and they said it’s impossible for us to have this word removed, obliterated after once it was written. And Ahazrat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was above sentiments. He was so judicious minded and he was so well poised in all his qualities and so great and magnanimous in his attitude to the adversary that he just took it lightly. He said yes, he has made a point. So if you don’t want to do it, I’ll do it.
Tell me where it is. And when he was shown where it was written, he just obliterated it, deleted it. That doesn’t show that he knew how to read and write. This is the incident. Yes, I have read somewhere that he did know how to read and write. No, no, no, no, no, no. You must have read it. You must have mixed things up. I have not read it anywhere. Maybe you have. I don’t deny that.
But first of all find out which book and then let me know. Isn’t it the Rupoosh new edition which they have printed? What? We have one of the parameters of the Rupoosh edition for one. You bring it to me and I’ll see what authority he quotes. Or just give me the authority he quotes for this. Ahazrat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam never learnt how to read or how to write except for his signature. He might have meant only this. Maybe you forgot it. So when you go back, read this part again and let me know tomorrow, if you come tomorrow. Right?