The fact is that he, first of all points out his analogy to the previous Messiah and says he is the last Khalifa of his Ummah as I am the last Khalifa of this Ummah yet by the last he obviously does not mean the last in time but last in status because there were so many Khulafa or the successors of Hazrat Masih I and so are the successors of Hazrat Masih Maud so what does last mean here in this context it could not be last in time otherwise the Khulafa are still continuing and it is his own prophecy that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya will continue Qudrat-e-Sania till the end of the time.
So obviously here the last is in the sense of as you say in English is the last of things first and last both are used as superlative not only in Arabic but in other languages as well for Awwal-ul-Momineen Awwal-ul-Muslimeen and Khatam-ul-Khulafa, Khatam-ul-Anbiya they are all idioms to indicate one and the same thing that is supremacy in office so it is in this sense that he is using this term and the last light as well in this sense that I am the last representative in light of Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam anybody who wants to seek light leaving me alone who does not enter the door of righteousness as I have shown it he will be left in darkness the fact is that whichever community is truly representative of Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam light can be only gained through that community that is obvious and there is no game saying this fact any other sect which claims to be righteous and true and truly belonging to Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and following his footsteps has to make the same claim even if they are not making this should be their claim that we are the last light.
Because leaving us alone without seeing Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as we see him you cannot reach him so that is the meaning of Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that without seeking his help one cannot reach Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as he was truly and in reality not the myth of him which has been created by many sects but the reality that the most beautiful reality of Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam can only be reached through him and as he again is Seela that is the means to reach Allah
So ultimate course of righteousness is through at present in present day through Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam which would lead to Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and through him to Allah now this is talking it too mechanically you know I am explaining it not literally but metaphorically otherwise it is too mechanical in approach to religion in essence if you understand what I mean then there is no objection the essence is that Islam as represented by Hazrat Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the only Islam which can survive this the age because as you know the details of other concepts they have been left far behind in the middle ages while the light of Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was so rational and logical and clear that it did not only convince the mind the heart fell in love with it that was the beauty of Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam’s approach to religion in the middle ages that approach was distorted
So previously it was easy for man to reach Allah through Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that is through his teachings through contact with him they could easily reach Allah because he showed the way, paved the path for reaching Allah but in the middle ages that path was destroyed new concepts crept into Islam until the sects started warring with each other in fundamentals not only in details but in fundamentals one sect told you that Rasul-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is omnipotent omnipotent and omniscient and the other said that to believe in Rasul-e-Karim to be omnipotent and omniscient is to indulge in idolatry clear and simple so that was the fundamental difference which was created one sect said to call the first three caliphs bad names was the way to salvation and this is not only what enemies tell about the Shiites belief it is written in their books and they themselves openly claim and they are not fearing any persecution they admit this is correct and there is a regular term for this to call bad names to the first three caliphs and to wish ill of them and to pray against them this is an article of faith with Shiites and they take pride in it they said this is correct, they were usurpers the first right to caliphate belonged to Hazrat Ali and because they had usurped it so naturally this should be the reaction and they have their own logic on the other hand when you look at the Sunni approach they say this is the biggest of crimes to call the first three caliphs as usurpers and to be the this and that this is the highest folly.
According to them now these two claims are at war with each other couldn’t be true both at one time so in this situation where is light? can you see any light? how can you be led? only if it is shown by Allah this is why Imam Madhi means the one who has been guided by Allah so the last opportunity for the Muslims to see light to begin to realize where the fault lies where the truth lies is through Muslim or the Rasul of Islam that is a factual position so when we make a mechanical approach you know it appears rather rather unconvincing that this is some doctrine and can’t be understood but go into the realities and have a detailed analysis and it’s perfectly convincing Thank you for listening