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Could you explain an article that a Russian scholar wrote about the miracles of Promised Messiah (Ahmad) ?

Dated: 30/07/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Could you explain an article that a Russian scholar wrote about the miracles of Promised Messiah (Ahmad) ?

The fact is that while Mian Atta ur Rehman Sahib Attu Mian he is called was sent here to investigate on some material, old historical material relating to Ahmadiyyat he came across a piece of information that some article has been written by Russian scholars under the government auspices. And that article was published, was written in fact to be included in a sort of encyclopedia which deals with the eastern religions and that article, particular article was on Ahmadiyyat.

That is what he heard. He tried to find out if he could get that article from here in England. He was told that that article has not been released against the normal tradition of course has not been released to the world libraries so he wrote to, he made the British, what’s that library what is it called? Now the big library here what is the name of that library? British Museum Library, correct. It is the British Museum Library which he approached and they cooperated and they wrote to Moscow that we have heard that such and such article is in existence could you kindly send a copy to us? And they ultimately did send a copy to him. That was the article which I had translated because we were after it by two or three different authorities so that if there is a mistake then we understand where the mistake lies.

Now after due corrections I have got that recorded in a library. This article is written in fact by two authors. One was the original one who was appointed by the concerned Russian department to investigate on Ahmadiyyat and that author went to India and even went to Qadian but didn’t come to Pakistan and after making investigations he made certain very strongly worded false allegations against Ahmadiyyat. It was quite apparent that he was talking through the mouth of Ahmadiyyat’s enemies and the author had himself no real knowledge.

In the same article there is a commentary on that author by some higher authority and that is very interesting. That authority says, criticizes the author and says it seems that this investigator has only met the hostile elements from India and has not approached Ahmadis themselves or tried to understand their position and he says a few things are very obviously wrong which have been mentioned by the author and during this criticism he mentions two things Number one, he says that our author our investigator has taken the position that Ahmadiyyat is a very irrational version of Islam and illogical. So it is rejected. The commentator who belongs to a superior who is a superior authority, he says this is absurd this allegation against Ahmadiyyat because we know that all the intelligentsia of 19th century were deeply influenced by Ahmadiyyat and again the same was the course in the early 20th century.

There was none of the Muslim intelligentsia which was not deeply influenced so if it was irrational, how could they be influenced? And secondly he says that the most important thing to be studied is this, that what influenced all the various classes because he says that Ahmadiyyat hailed following from all the classes, the highest and the lowest and despite hostility it went on spreading then he quotes that this is a fact that of all the sects in Islam this is the only sect which can claim widest acceptance in the world. No other sect can claim or boast that it is found in 100 countries for instance. Some sects are found in some countries and the overflow is found in the neighbouring countries but they are not found in all the countries.

But this one particular sect has spread all over the world and is found almost in every country and he says that in Russia too this sect is present although they have broken ties with their centre but we know for certain that Ahmadiyyat is still in existence in Russia. He says what Arthur should have analysed was why? Why they are popular? One of the reasons is that some of the claims of showing miracles which were made by Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the founder, were strangely enough fulfilled exactly as he had prophesied This is one thing which he admits, being a racist, he has the courage and honesty to admit that while these Mullahs from Islam they don’t have the honesty and courage to accept it.

He quotes some cases and out of those I quote two for instance. Number one, he mentions Sheikh Abdul Haq Sahib of Lahore. He says this is an established fact. There is no falsehood about it. That there was someone who was serving in some government department, some non-Ahmadi, elderly man, who wrote once to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani that he has two wives and he is an old man and one of the wives is barren she is not fertile and he wants him to pray for him so that Allah gives him a son with long life, a healthy son and that son should be born by the wife which he has in mind not by any wife so Mirza Sahib not only prayed but he had it written to him that you will have it and strangely enough he had chosen the infertile wife, the barren one which was older and it was she who gave birth to the son.

He said this is an established fact. How it could happen, chance, whatever we are not concerned. But when people in the Punjab saw such things how could they say that there is nothing in it so we have to fight such evidence when we take on Ahmadiyyat as it is that is the logical attitude taken by the commentator and second instance which he quotes is that of Abdul Kareem he says we know positively that when somebody is bitten by a rabid dog and that rabidity once attacks him there is absolutely no treatment to known signs a man, a boy by the name Abdul Kareem found himself in such an unfortunate situation. He was bitten by a dog once no treatment was given to him and later on suddenly that disease erupted and when he was sent to a town near Shimla Solan, yes to Solan.

A town near Shimla there were special doctors about it concerned with this particular aspect, this particular disease he was sent because there was no better treatment available anywhere else so they received a telegram from there that nothing can be done for poor Abdul Kareem he is past the stage of recovery somebody requested to Mirza Sahib to make a special prayer for him, he not only prayed but he declared that Allah has heard that prayer he meant shafa but he didn’t know what the true importance of shafa was, he said a special prayer was made and said that yes he will recover and he did recover, this is again a fact, proven fact so he said when people from the Punjab all around saw these things.

They were deeply impressed and this is one of the reasons why they started believing in him he said you should put things in true perspective, these are the facts of life and they have not to be distorted, they should be presented as they are when I read that I thought from inside perhaps he had become because being an atheist how could he support this evidence without contradicting it in any way, he doesn’t add his own comments by way of reflections or possibilities, this may have happened just simple statement and leaves it at that that is the article to which I was referring

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Updated on November 8, 2024

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