Questioner: The Zaboor is only for Dawood or for many Prophets?
Huzoor: Zaboor is… Which Prophets you mean?
Questioner: Dawood, peace be upon him.
Huzoor: Zaboor, in fact, is not a book of law. Zaboor is a book of hymns and praises of Allah and general admonitions, which can be, in fact, inferred from, and some prophecies. But it’s not a book of law. David followed Torah, the five books of Moses’ law, and he did not bring a new book of law, nor did Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.
Zaboor, after David, peace be upon him, was a book highly respected and… I should say, every Prophet that followed not only respected that book, had no difference with that book. That was exactly in accordance with his own views and his own teachings, and one did not have to follow Zaboor, because every other Prophet also followed Torah, and whatever was expressed in Zaboor was as if the entire desire of every Prophet that followed, like somebody praises hymns of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, and there are hundreds of thousands of such people who have done so, so you don’t have to follow them, because they have said it in their own words, and you say that in your own words, and every person who sings a hymn of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, sings it in his own way, so there is no question of anybody else following him.
He gives expression to his love, and you also give expression to your love, and there is no difference of opinion. That is all. So, Prophets which followed David, peace be upon him, had no difference of opinion with what was said in Zaboor. That is what we can say. But they did not follow him. They were all independent of each other, those Prophets, but were followers of Torah. That was the overriding teachings which they could not violate.