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What would our religion been if Muhammad had never existed ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

What would our religion been if Muhammad had never existed ?

Huzoor, if our Mursal-e-Azam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, had not come in the world, what would have happened to us and our religion, please, could you explain? What would happen to your religion? First tell me that. Can I phrase it again? If our Mursal-e-Azam…

So, you know, what an if, you know, imagine first of all. If he had not come, you know. That again reminds me of the same verse which I have repeated so many times here, previously, that us zulf pe phabti shab-e-daijoor ki sooji, andhe ko andhere mein baut door ki sooji. It is much more applicable in this, you know, in this situation. Why don’t you imagine if the universe had not been created? Why don’t you start from there, there, from the beginning, and then pose this question, what would have been your religion in that case? See? Have you understood something from this? You are nodding very, very… I am not complete, sir. All right.

So, your next question. What a question, you know. If Rasool-e-Salaam had not come, what would have been my religion? Huzoor, I was asked this question because what happened was, I was preaching to some Englishman and he said, look, you talk about Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa all the time. What about our Prophet? If your Prophet had not come, what would you have done?

This was the question he phrased me. Pardon? This was the question I was asked. Must have been your friend. Must have been a close friend of yours. So, go on discussing with each other, whatever you please, however you please.

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