How could it be a contradiction to your statement? You are a man, you believe in the history of evolution, up to man, but not beyond. You are the summit of that evolution. So if the evolution of life has reached a stage, a summit, and has stopped there, why shouldn’t evolution and religion have not reached a stage of summit and stopped there? There is no contradiction.
As long as man does not evolve into something different, he should not expect religion, the final consummate shape of religion, to develop and go beyond him. So there has to be a corresponding state of accordance, concord, between man’s development and the development of religion, which is of course made for the sake of man, for his consumption. So if evolution could come to a stop at the point of man, religion which was meant for man, why shouldn’t have come to stop at that stage where it could meet the requirements of man as such? Not a man of a particular religion or faith or race, but man as such.
So the moment a religion reached culmination in being a universal religion for all mankind, that was a logical conclusion that if that claim was correct, that religion had to stop there and to wait for what happened to man. If man evolved and went beyond his present state, then it would be required logically for the religion also to evolve and to reach that stage corresponding to the next order of man, man’s development. So there is no contradiction as I see things.