Sir, sir, what I want to know is, is there any way of finding out the chronological order of the verses? When and under what circumstances they were revealed? Yes, if you read the books on commentary of the Holy Quran, the old classical ones, most often than not they would mention which verse or which surah was revealed when. And this subject has been taken up by all the early scholars.
So from that you can compile a new list yourself according to the chronological orders. But the problem is that all the verses in a surah do not belong to that chronological order. Sometimes a verse was revealed after the surah, and Hazrat Jibrail told the Prophet that that verse has to be taken back in time and put in that surah. And what happened was that no Khalifa ever rearranged the Holy Quran. The Prophet instructed himself, all the scribes, as to where a verse is to be put and in which order the surahs are to be kept. Now this is again a miracle because even with notes nowadays, you can’t organize such a big book in that manner. But the Prophet did it verbatim. Only Allah sent angels to him and according to the instruction he used to do it.
But those who do not believe in that, they can’t produce this miracle again even today. A man with the best memory can’t perform this miracle that a book which he has been dictating according to them over a period of say 23 years, and then all along he has been arranging the verses in order. With the result that the sum total is a beautiful order and a meaningful continuation is found not only in the surahs themselves, but also in the connecting surahs. Opening chapter is related to the ending chapter of the previous one. Closing chapter relates to the opening chapter of the next surah. So this is a very miraculous thing that happened at the time when Huzoor-e-Arqam didn’t know a single word to write himself.