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Where did the “black stone” come from ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 14/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Where did the “black stone” come from ?

Sir, this small question has been sent from lady’s side. One lady wants to know that where the black stone has come from? That I have already spoken so many times on, you know, on this subject I have already expressed my views many a time. I believe personally that it was a meteoric shower of stones in that area to provide the first material for the building of Allah’s house.

And this view is based on a tradition of our Prophet, where he tells us that the black stone, when it was showered from heaven, before it entered the atmosphere of earth, it was white. As it entered the earth, it became black. Now, you know well that the meteors, when they enter the atmosphere, they burn out and they are charred. And in that process, our excessive heat created because of the friction. It is just logical, just natural, for a white stone to turn into a black stone.

Because the excessive heat, when it is applied, it can change the colour from white to grey or dark grey or black, you know. So that is my view based on that tradition particularly.

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