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What was the next city Islam spread to after Medina ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

What was the next city Islam spread to after Medina ?

After Islam came to Medina, what was the next country it spread in? After Islam came to Medina, what was the next country it spread into? Medina is not a country, you know. Medina is a city, about 250 miles from Mecca, to the north of Mecca. So when the Holy Founder of Islam migrated from Mecca, he went to the city of Medina. And at that time, the majority of the Medina people were not Muslims.

There was Islam in two tribes mainly, but not that the entire tribe had become Muslim. But still, they had enough number to accommodate him and to influence the opinion in the city elsewhere. So that is what Medina was at the time of the Holy Prophet and how it came into being the second center of Islam. So it is just a town.

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