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Could you relate the incident about the Hindu boy who was making sarcastic comments about the Islamic practice of polygamy ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 11/07/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Could you relate the incident about the Hindu boy who was making sarcastic comments about the Islamic practice of polygamy ?

In a cassette today, sir, on women in Islam, which perhaps there was a session of question and answer in Australia. Right. You mentioned, sir, that a certain Hindu student sarcastically asked you a question, that the Muslims have four fathers, a pun on the word four fathers. No, four wives, four mothers, he said. In that cassette, sir, but that has wrongly come. This is why I put… No, no. What happened was this. I think it is rightly put, but maybe you listen again. He joked on the Muslim faith by telling the Europeans that, you know, Mr. Ahmad is a Muslim and you know they have four mothers. Yes, sir. So, on that, you know, that pun was repeated in rebuttal.

I told them that you have four fathers. Yes, sir. You know, instead of four mothers, you have four fathers. It’s a pun on four fathers. And I said, no, I’m sorry, not four, eleven fathers. Yes, sir. And because according to Hindu faith, a woman who is childless can have eleven children from different men. So, if we have four mothers, these Hindus have eleven fathers. So, they have no right to object with four mothers. That was the whole story. That I understand, sir, but that cassette, something wrong has come.

Something, maybe while speaking, I may have spoken wrongly. Yes, sir. That has to be corrected. This is why I gave it to you. Yes, I’m doing that, sir. Please. But how will you rectify it then? I know that. You can’t do that in my voice. Yes. So, think of something. Yes, sir. So that I can put in a word and rectify it. Only that four fathers could be changed into four mothers. Correct, correct, yes, correct. But the incident which I told you, the rest is all right? The rest is all right, sir. That’s okay, correct. When I started discussing this, he begged me to speak in Urdu. I said, when you attack Islam, you speak in English. And when I rebut, then you want me to speak in English? Urdu, this won’t happen. He was totally demolished, that boy. He went pale when I described the whole face of having eleven children from different men.

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