Current Topic:

Is organ donation allowed in Islam ?

Dated: 25/08/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is organ donation allowed in Islam ?

In Islam, it is permissible. In fact, it should be encouraged. Any act of beneficence Is in spirit with Islam It is in fact Islam’s purpose of creation To be beneficent to others to be of goodness to others to help and serve others Because the holy Quran tells you You are the best of the people You are the best of the people Why? Because you are for the service of mankind So as long as you serve the mankind You remain the best As long as you are playing havoc with the mankind and become a source of danger You become the worst.

So this is why our Huzur sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talking of a distant future said ulamau hum sharro man tahta adhi missamah They couldn’t have belonged to this ummah which is mentioned in the holy Quran which says the very best and The holy prophet the founder of Islam peace be upon him describes The ulema of this very ummah as sharro man tahta adhi missamah the very worst under the Parchment of heaven Why? Because this is the decisive factor ukhrijat linnase You remain the best as long as you serve the mankind.

You become the opposite if you become the opposite in service instead of serving them If you become a source of danger and trouble to them, then you become the worst So anything which is good Can never be imposed by Islam which is truly in essence good but one thing Which must be remembered in principle is this That life cannot be sacrificed to death it is always death which can be sacrificed to life and Relatively this applies to every stage in between.

So if the donor runs a danger of Losing His own Organs or Losing his life in that process That is not permissible That’s what this is what I’m saying, this is why I made it very clear that it is not permissible To put a life into danger for an experiment which may or may not succeed So a value which is in hand which is superior value cannot be sacrificed for an inferior value or a possible value But at the same time if for instance that a child requires a kidney Mother can give one of her kidneys But if the mother has only one kidney However deeply she may love the child Islam would not permit her to part with that kidney because then it would amount to suicide So within the four walls of these conditions, it is permissible to help others through giving donating organs

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