You know, according to Islam, there is nothing wrong with it, even if by compulsion one has to use a pig’s heart. The fact is that it is not the physical heart which determines one’s character, but it is something else. It is soul or spirit, whatever you call it, which is referred to by the Holy Qur’an as heart. So the principle is that first, to save life, the Holy Qur’an permits us, permits anyone who finds himself in a diverse situation, to even partake of a pig’s meat.
The underlying principle obviously is that human life is more important, and to save human life, even to eat pig is permissible. So under the same principle, all efforts which are made in the direction of saving lives, not at the cost of other human beings, should be permissible in Islam, unless something is positively and categorically forbidden by itself, that is different. But otherwise, this is the overruling principle.