Allah tells us of animal life. Please sit down. The Holy Qur’an tells us that wa min ayatihi khalqus samawati wal-awz wa ma bassa fihima min daabba wa huwa ala jamrihim iza yashau qadeer In this verse, so many things have been told of the future of man and the scientific developments and his reach that just this verse should be enough to convince the atheists that either you believe that Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa s.a.w. was himself a god or you believe that there was another god telling him these things because it was entirely beyond the capacity of man to reach out to such heights of future knowledge as this single verse tells us.
First of all, look at the concept of the universe during the time of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and many many dark centuries beyond after his age. The concept was that the heavens are made of firmaments and one after the other there are firmaments which are something made of some plastic nature and in those firmaments the stars are studied the sources of light. How they burn they don’t know but there are sources of light which are studied in those firmaments like jewels are studied on a dress piece so this was the entire concept about the universe no question of any life existing beyond this earth so first of all the holy Quran says that that concept of firmament is totally wrong because Allah has created life both here and in the heavens and the word used for life is not a word applicable to angels or spiritual life of any sort it is entirely limited and cannot be extended beyond this limited sense it is limited to the animal life as we call the biological life Dabba is the word only used for biological life.
A life which can move and the entire animal life can be described by one single word Dabba and it is by no means applicable to angels or spiritual life that is an important fact which has to be stressed so Allah says the firmaments are not like you think because in such a case there could not be any life beyond this earth but Allah tells you that there is life secondly it tells that Allah is going to bring them together now this is something which man has not yet reached even the first part now the second part was contained in the first part that the heavens are not like this and the life is beyond there are two points mentioned so the people have so far reached the man I should say has so far reached the first stage alone they know the nature of heavens they know that it is possible in the heavens for life to exist elsewhere but as yet they do not know if there is life it is only a conjecture, a mathematical question.
But the holy Quran has solved both these questions and secondly if the scientists do discover ultimately that there is life beyond this earth they are not at all sure if it is possible for the life of that planet and the life of this planet earth to meet because even if that planet is one light year beyond us it is impossible for that life to come to earth even if we live on for thousands of years because we can’t travel on the shoulder of light which travels at a speed of 186 miles plus per second but there are planets millions of years apart in light years terms so the holy Quran tells us that not only there is life but it is possible for life beyond this earth to meet the life on this earth and again it goes on saying that not only is it possible but it is going to happen like that because the word used is not in but isa wahwa ala jammihim iza yashau qadeer means that when Allah will decide the time has come he would cause both types of lives to get together on one platform it is not in which means if Allah wants it says Allah will want of course there is no question.
But when he will decide to do it it is up to him so everything has been mentioned in this verse of a future which was impossible for man to conceive but the nature of life other than the fact that it would be animal life we do not know maybe they are made of silicon who knows maybe of some ethereal things but the important thing about life is that it will be organized, it will be conscious the most fundamental point about life is consciousness so if consciousness can be created in machines of silicon and they can reproduce that is life so that can also come under the heading of animal life it will be moving, it will have all the qualities of animal life so only that much I can say from the Holy Quran but the exact nature of those people what it would be we don’t know but we know one thing again from this verse that jama not only means physical togetherness jama also means mental togetherness and it may mean I mean so it is possible that Allah has prophesied that they will be able to converse with each other they will have reached a stage of development that despite the fact that they won’t know the language of each other they would be able to convey the meanings and come into communion with each other