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How should one preach to an athiest ?

Dated: 05/08/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

How should one preach to an athiest ?

I would like to ask if an atheist was asking you that how do you know that God exists how would you answer the question? I’ll answer differently and you’ll answer differently. I’ll answer first of all that Allah has spoken to me Allah has shown me beings and given me messages which I have seen fulfilled so clearly and Allah guides me and keeps me on the right path showing his existence every day that would be my first answer but it may not be the first answer of others everybody believes in Allah according to his own arguments everybody reaches Allah in a different way in fact most of the people follow Allah or have faith in Allah because they are born among the believers that is the perhaps the only reason and they don’t challenge it why don’t they challenge it.

Because there is an inborn desire in man to find a creator and to worship him if there is no Allah or at least if there is no Allah known to a person still he would make his own creator and invent his own idol for him to worship even in the communist world these idols are being created today because there is an inner urge for instance Mao Zedong was once the idol of China and he was almost held in as high in esteem as prophets are held even more Marx is almost like a God to the communist world and Lenin perhaps is the best of his prophets to say the least so this urgent desire to follow someone with the religious religious Z even if your philosophy is godless that tells us that there is an inner message in every creation that there is a God to you you must follow and because there is that strong urge already present in human nature so those who are born among the religions they begin to follow them without a question asked because it confers with their own inner urge.

So if you ask them a question like this their answer will be different so this is what I want to point out no one single answer can be given to an atheist by different persons everybody has his belief according to his own frame of mind according to his own social and religious background his own degree of knowledge and so on and so forth so that is the general situation as we find in the world today again there are difficulties in providing answers to you in generalizations because this is also are divided into so many categories all atheists are not of the same type they don’t have the same views so one if I teach you one single answer still it will not work with certain atheists.

First of all you should remember that atheists are divided into two main categories atheists and agnostics atheists are those who deny the existence of God in positive terms they say we know there is no God and would deny the possibility agnostics are those who take the attitude which is a bit softer and perhaps more difficult to follow they say we don’t know if there were a God he might have been he might not have been if he were he might have died but we don’t know we know that this is this is the world we know the hot from the cold and dark from the light and we know all those things which our five senses can perceive but of what we have no evidence so when such it is meet you the first question you should make you should put to them is should be that maybe I begin to give you evidence of God as I understand which will not interest you maybe you require some different criteria.

So first of all tell me what sort of proof would you recall require before we begin to believe in God put him a counter question I mean then things will precipitate then you will begin to see clearly what his views are then once it begins to describe then it will be you you will have an upper hand you will begin to criticize his attitude for instance when this attitude was adopted earlier in the earlier periods of Islamic history against certain Muslim scholars they took exactly the same position and when the opponent was forced to clarify his position then he was in on in a weaker position and that the believer in God gained an upper hand because of his answer for instance at in one incident he said that why somebody said I don’t believe in God prove it the believer said well why don’t you believe in God he said I don’t see him I don’t believe anything which I don’t see so he slapped him on the face and he what extremely annoyed he said what is what is this nonsense.

I asked you for the proof of God and you slapped me on the face he said what is the harm he said you have created pain he said show me I don’t see it where is the pain or do you see it so then he realized that this was a counter to his position that the things which you don’t see you don’t believe in but that was an earlier age in the modern times you believe in certain things which cannot be sensed by the five senses at all that is to say directly you believe in certain things which are totally absent in the sense that you can neither feel them nor hear them nor see them nor smell them nor taste them they neither hot nor cold directly to you but you know they exist sometimes through certain you are certain means of knowing them are available to you which convert the values so that you begin to see but still there are certain things which are present which are totally absent from you and only higher beings they’re more advanced people among you great scientists they know them and because you believe in them so you also believe in the scientists.

So you begin to believe in those things otherwise directly you can offer no proof of their existence this is exactly what I told some questioner a few days ago in the question-answer session in London I said look here into this cupping of my hands in this small space there there is music going on there are rays of so many types in fact radiation has unlimited scope there is Russian being spoken here German being spoken here within the cup of my hand and there are pictures of various types and there are discussions going on and dramas being played and pictures being shown and 101 languages are found in this cupping of my hand and they don’t interfere with each other and it is for you to detect them and then once you detect them then you will begin to see yes what I was telling you was true put an antenna here and use the proper channel.

A booster you will begin to see Russian program or German program or French program or Danish program or so many other programs and in each language so many different programs and also there are billions of things not only hundreds billions of radiations at various levels which still are in occupied in this occupied by the same space the same space is occupied by them in this small space even smaller at this size even smaller size if you put a small antenna in there and you have a means to find out which particular radiation there is and you want to hear it and convert it into values which you understand if you have means you can still do it in the spectrum of vision we see light and we see darkness I mean we don’t see light and we call it darkness but what we call darkness they are hidden lights only our eyes are not attuned to that spectrum and they are unlimited scopes of things to be seen only if you had eyes to see them but still we don’t see them and we believe in them because through other means to through great scientists we have received evidence of their existence.

So God is the ultimate in refinement God is the ultimate source of all beings how could he be reached by coarser beings like us with coarser measures while even the created things are so refined at times that we can’t reach them by our five senses so for an agnostic in principle you can give this answer that there are possibilities you have begun to believe since previously were unthinkable and they are still absent from your eyes in reality the more powerful things are not material they can’t be senses sensed they can’t be touched they can’t be smelled only when they are released then that the destruction caused by them can be observed for instance the greatest dangers posed by atomic warfare are by such radiation which is neither heat nor cold nor can you see it nor you can touch it it is just the wave and it is so strong so destructive that it can destroy cities in a in a matter of a GT without ever heat reaching there this first shock wave which is called shock it travels faster than the heat wave.

So before the heat is released from an atomic bomb this shock wave travels at a faster pace and destroys cities and nobody knows what had happened they would neither see it nor touch it because it has no glow no solidity which can be touched and and verified and measured so most of the things which exist are non observed at least this is the finding of the modern-day scientists what we observe is very small the spectrum of light for instance is very narrow as compared to the rest of the spectrum spectrum of hearing also is very narrow as compared to the rest of the spectrum we are allotted a certain range in the sound waves only we can hear those sound waves with to which our ears are attuned the sound waves lower than those in that range are here but we can’t hear them sound waves beyond that the limit of that range are here and they’re innumerable and things are going on only we are not attuned to them if somehow you get attuned to them you’ll enter a new world of hearing things are going on in a strange way which you can begin to hear.

But if only if you are attuned for instance the explosion of first explosion of creation which was usually called Big Bang do you know how old it is perhaps 14 billion years ago it took place and the sound which was created is still existing in the universe if you go to the what is called beside the planetarium if you go to the planetarium now not now but previously I remember when I came here in 78 and they used to reproduce that sound by catching it from the cosmos and reproducing it in a in a wavelength which we could hear and the explosion which took place 14 billion years ago you know how big that is 14 billion you know that no that no how many millions go towards a billion that much years ago if an explosion took place and the sound is still existing in a wavelength which we cannot hear but the scientists through instruments have now power to multiply that signed and amplify to a degree that it enters our hearing somewhere spectrum the result is that you begin to hear I heard it myself in that planetarium Mona was not there at that time shock.

If I are my two other daughters were with me and they were surprised so the wonders are so many that most of the world of realities is hidden from us so if this is such a wonderful world why shouldn’t there be a creator hidden behind them why should he be reached directly by our sight and and senses and so on and so forth so this is one of the major objections which is raised by the to which you can counter like this.

But there are so many other types of atheists is impossible for me to give you one single piece of evidence so the best thing is to start again I summarize to start by asking a question to them you tell them all right I believe in God forget about how I believe and why I believe tell me first why you do not believe and if you are it is the lack of evidence why you do not believe then tell me what sort of evidence you would require enough for you to begin to believe in God you name it and then I’ll give you an answer.

So if such a person gives you a positive tells you of a positive approach through which he can be convinced then you can give me as right to me or speak to me on the one of the sessions and tell me that this is the answer you see from an atheist then I can handle that question because then I know what he wants to know otherwise it’s difficult to handle tackle every atheist with non-descript this is a very interesting approach take made by certain atheists in embarrassing the believers.

They ask this question and sometimes the believers also when the children when they begin to grow older and they reach the age of puberty and maturity such questions automatically also agitate their minds they say all right if it is a must that somebody must have created us we must have come from somebody else then who created that first being that is the big question it’s a dilemma which baffles many and perhaps there is no answer so the answer to that is that the argument that there must be a creator of everything existing is the wrong argument you never put you should never say this to any taste this is not our argument at all our argument is this that when we study sciences and we begin to reach the origin of life and origin of creation we observe that we have reached this stage gradually after a very long long developed course of development and we have a direction and things are made complicated more and more and more as we progress that is one one way of approaching this an atheist who has this frame of mind you know for instance you have eyes you have brain.

A brain so highly computerized that no man-made computer even in this age can compete with your brain in computation and it is so perfectly provided with the concomitant machinery that it has a small brain handles all messages through hearing through touch through sight through feeling and computes them and puts them in order in certain shelves in your memory and for each new impulse you receive from any direction there are sometimes millions of readjustments in the brain in every second for instance when you hear me you hear me but you your brain immediately sends messages to all the cells.

I have heard this voice before where did I hear it and those messages they return immediately in a split second to the center of your conscience and say this is the voice of so-and-so which we have heard so many times and then this voice creates revive certain feelings in your body which are produced by certain voices and for millions of messages sent all through the body system to your heart to your other glands to your skin because sometimes you hear a voice and your skin begins to tingle sometimes you hear a voice and hatred is the natural result sometimes love results from hearing a voice and the same is true when you see faces there are certain faces you you can’t tolerate you shut the television off says nonsense I can’t tolerate such a face and certain voices you can’t tolerate and the vice versa.

Is also true there are certain faces which remind you of certain people whom you love so much and which have associations with which are placed in your childhood or some other interesting occasion of your life all these things are recorded in various places and just hearing one voice the brain begins to send messages all over and the scientists tell us now that in one second millions of messages are sent and and reactions received and computed again and the final sense which you receive is done after everything you see a place and sometimes you have a feeling that I have seen it somewhere before why that feeling you know because it happens every day every instant of your life that when you see a thing immediately you give the arm to get the answer even in and you are satisfied when you don’t get that answer then you kept wondering why why this thing that I have perhaps.

I have seen something like this before but your brain is incapable of reaching out for the truth and telling you reminding you that this is the reason why but these feelings occur very occasionally most often than not you don’t have to ask these questions you don’t have to go through that feeling because automatically the one the matter is being attended to by this supercomputer of your brain now this an organization this requires an organizers so if a thing is highly organized which was not previously organized and we know positively that previously it was not so organized for that you must have an organizer so there is not just one premise to this there are two premises to simplify the matters this is a bunch of flowers it is organized previously it was scattered like this for instance when you find it organized then the question is raised who put it there in the disorganized form you may not ever ask this question.

So these two premises are not present with regards to God because we don’t know his nature we know only this as far as we are concerned we were not organized before now we organized there has to be an organizer the argument is not this because this is a there is a flower there has to be a creator the argument is this that if a thing is disorganized previously and then it is organized to a perfection that baffles all human attempts to understand it such an organization of a disorganized state requires an organizer now this argument has no answer in which can be count which can be given to you by an HST if he’s a sensible person try this if he says this is a blind evolution blind organization you say can a computer be formed gradually of itself the ordinary computer if it goes wrong ordinary people can’t set it right so for a disorganized state to be organized this is one of the most important fundamental evidence for the existence of God on this a counter question of who created does not appear does not apply this is the type of argument which was used by Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa against an atheist.

Once he a debate was held was due to be held between Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa a great Muslim scholar and founder of a school of jurisprudence and an atheist who used to brag that I know believer in God has ever been able to defeat him so it was announced and and the whole area was looking forward to the time and date place when this debate would be held so that if he’s reached the place at the our appointment in time exactly and waited for to arrive and he didn’t it took two hours for him to reach and everybody was so disgusted with him everybody thought perhaps he had run away from he was afraid of this debate that when he reached there people started censuring him with their looks and rings and then that is he said look I knew a believer is so punctual and so perfect in his commitments and things and in a non-believer and look at the believer this is the bodily person who didn’t keep his promise he’s so irresponsible how can he hold a debate with me so has been our when if I said please listen.

First of all I have an excuse I have a reason to put forward I have a justification to offer why do you censure me without hearing me so he said all right tell me what your justification was he said look here I have come across a river you know that I live across the river there was a river flowing in between so when I reached the river there was no boat while I was wondering how I would cross the river suddenly a gale took place storm storm and some trees it fell certain trees and suddenly I saw the same gale brought a saw and it started working on the tree and turning it into planks and while I was wondering how it happened suddenly nails appeared from somewhere the shower of nail and the buffeting of wind put the the planks in order and shaped them like a boat and suddenly I saw the nails were being driven from all sides and there the boat was and I was wondering how the boat was created and then I took the boat and came over so all that time that I’m late I was waiting for all this to happen.

So the atheist says you are not only a stupid person you are a big liar how could this happen he said if this could not happen how could you be made you are much much more organized beyond all comparison to a boat a boat simple boat like this so before you were not before everything was disorderly so if you can’t believe in this miracle to happen these two three factors are just involved but in the making of human body in the making of human mind in the making of human I billions upon billions upon billions of certain such chances must happen before you you you create a single eye or before you create a single cell of life there’s such complexities yet previo

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