We often talk of fate and how our fate is already written down. Can we change our fate through prayer? It depends on what type of fate it is. There are two types of fates. One is so many types of fates, but in this regard, we can divide fate in two categories. Taqdeer-e-mubram is the fate which is unalterable. It can never be changed. And Taqdeer-e-aam, as compared to Taqdeer-e-mubram, is a fate which can be changed. Sometimes by prayers as well, but mostly through shafaat, intercession.
Ordinary prayers can change things within the four walls of a general fate, but such fates which are predetermined things, that is what you have in mind, they generally are not changed by ordinary prayer, but if somebody is praying exceptionally in a manner as Allah looks at him with special favour and love, he may change because he is the proprietor of everything. He is the maker of fate and he has every right and he does occasionally change the fate. But in case of Taqdeer-e-mubram, as Hazrat Masih Maud A.S. has told us, that fate cannot be changed because that fate not only affects one person alone, but very important other links are established with other things which Allah does not want to change.
So for the sake of one person, Allah would not let more important things to suffer. So things like that demand that that particular fate should not be changed. Such fates are called Taqdeer-e-mubram. Now in application to a certain situation you can understand it better. Allah has decided once and for all, and he never changes it, that his prophets would ultimately become victorious and their enemies, however strong they be, will be finally totally destroyed and frustrated.
This is one fate. And if during the operation of this fate, some individual interest clashes with it, and he begins to pray that Allah, for my sake or for the sake of your manmanimity, whatever he says, you change this fate to a degree that I am made an exception. Allah will never change it because much more important and higher issues are involved there than for the fate to be changed for an individual purpose. So everything is logical about it. Things which are placed in a higher order will not be sacrificed for things which are placed in a lower order.