Well, the fruit of Zaqqum found in Palestine is the most delicious fruit. And they eat plenty of it. Don’t they? Zaqqum Samarasu Zaqqum. You can’t have Sabar neither. Is it delicious?
Yes. So that fruit is also very delicious here,
and those who are given that fruit in the hell, I don’t know how that would taste. Only it’s a symbolic language, in fact. The fact is that Zakum is the product of the desert. And it is a product which flourishes in the extreme conditions where there is no water. And no life.
So those people who are without this water from Allah, that is the heavenly water of religion, and they flourish in the desert conditions, as far as the religion goes, their fruit would also be something taking root in the desert. And in the hell they will find such fruits as are without water.
Because as they themselves were without the water of Allah, so their fruits would also be. That is one thing which can be explained in this regard. But this should be further investigated.