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Is it true that the Dead Sea Scrolls reject the concept of Trinity ?

Dated: 13/09/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is it true that the Dead Sea Scrolls reject the concept of Trinity ?

No, it’s a debatable issue. Yes, sir. The scrolls of Dead Sea are in fact pre-Christian, applied to pre-Christian era. They are the scrolls of a certain sect of Jews, which was a purist sect. And they had their own version of Bible, their own lifestyle, their own very sphere, way of discipline. Everything was in a closed society and it was kept secret from the outsiders, though there was nothing secret about it. And they also are waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven, that is not in the heavenly form, but in the real form. I mean, that’s the real form, heavenly, in the temporal sense.

So, they were training themselves very swirly for that ultimate achievement of the Kingdom on this earth. So, this is a sect which had its own papers and those papers were kept, according to the traditions, unmolested by the surrounding sects of Jews. So, they have some references from which people draw their conclusions. But to say that Wadi-e-Qumran scrolls have positively rejected Christianity, this is not correct. Some scrolls belong to a later period as well. But those scrolls have not yet been deciphered and have not been solved. The number of scrolls is very great. In fact, this discovery was made just prior to the Second World War. And because of the World War, the scholars could not pay their attention to these scrolls, which have been discovered at two different places. After the World War was over, a few years, you know, there was a great economic strain on the Western world.

So, still they could not pay attention to this. Now, some universities have funded the project and they are still at it. Only a very little portion has been translated correctly and presented to the world. Let’s hope and see. In the Philippine scroll, that is a different scroll, not Wadi-e-Qumran, but another scroll which gives the New Testament in the name of Philippians, Philips. In that, of course, there are very strong references to the unity of God and such verses from which they draw the concept of Trinity are totally missing and are being in fact contradicted. So, perhaps you had that in mind. That is called the Philippian version of the New Testament.

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Updated on November 11, 2024

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