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Is the conscience implanted by God or created by society ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 06/05/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is the conscience implanted by God or created by society ?

The question is, is the conscience something implanted by God in our beings to give us to work at the ballistic phenomena or is it created by society? It is not created by society but it is distorted by society and influenced by human beings and the people in which you move. So the constant conscience is corrupted by society and what some people think as conscience is not conscience.

It is an erroneous concept of conscience created later on but still the holy Quran tells us something very interesting and it tells us that whatever may happen to one’s conscience, if a man wants to sink deep into himself, look here, man is capable of knowing himself truly and referring to his conscience can always come out with the correct answer. Wala alfa maazina, despite the fact that he has become so corrupt in attitude that for every action he produces so many reasons to justify that action.

So that maazina means a corrupted state of conscience and that Allah nafs sahiba basira tells you that still even in that corrupted state if one truly vies for it, goes for it, tries to find out the truth, going within him he can still get to the truth. That is referring the matter to the conscience.

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