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What was the name of the religion of the people of Kashmir who followed Jesus ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 22/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

What was the name of the religion of the people of Kashmir who followed Jesus ?

I have two small questions. One is that you just mentioned the disciples of Jesus Christ. Was there a name for their religion in Kashmir? Yes, their religion’s name has always been Submission to the Will of God. And it has the word Mahabbat in it. Because in the recorded history of the time of King Shalbahan it is written that when Jesus Christ came to Kashmir he was asked the name of their religion and he said Mahabbat.

And the fact of the matter is that I have said this many times before that Jesus Christ was the first Buddha of Buddha in Kashmir. He came after 550 years of his arrival. And Buddha had this prophecy that another Buddha will come in this world who will come after 500 years of my passing. And you will accept him. So because Jesus Christ’s teachings were very similar to Buddha’s teachings which were also teachings of love and gentleness that is why the majority of the Buddhists of that time believed in Jesus Christ. And later Buddhists have presented him as Buddha and not as Jesus Christ.

Therefore, in the Pali scripts, it is proved that these two existences are one. That they believe Jesus Christ to be a foreigner Buddha. A Buddha who came later, a Buddha of that time. And because they liked the title Buddha more that is why the title of Buddha became popular there instead of Messiah. But the mention of Messiah is also found in the Puranas. The same Puranas which mention King Shalvan they write that the person who came from outside when he was asked who you are he told his name to be Esu Mashi. It was the name of Jesus.

But one name which was more popular nationally became more popular and the other name slowly became out of reach. Just like in some areas the Promised Messiah is mentioned as Mahdi more than the Promised Messiah. Even today, some Ahmadis where the concept of Mahdi was more strong they refer to him as Imam Mahdi.

Turkish Ahmadis also say Imam Mahdi instead of Messiah. And where the word Mahdi is more strongly established there they say Imam Mahdi. And because we have been discussing with Christians for a long time the word Messiah has become more prevalent. If in some area only the word Mahdi is left then after 1000-2000 years people will say where did the word Messiah go? This is the same question.

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