The commandments or orders of a Khalifa are of two natures. One type is that which pertains to the explanation of the Holy Quran and traditions and remain within the four walls of do’s and do not’s of the Holy Quran or traditions. These orders are binding for all times to come, not because Khalifa has an authority but because he is referring to a lasting authority. That is the only reason why they have a permanent nature. Otherwise they are exigencies of the local demands and times and any orders pertaining to those are not binding for all Ahmadis to come. But sometimes some good orders have been issued and they continue because the next Khalifa also wants them to be continued. So unless they are cancelled they will carry on and on because all good things are to be preserved and maintained. So not because the previous Khalifa had a right perpetually to order people but because every Khalifa also took up the Qajar and wanted it to be continued.