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Why was Khilafat-e-Rashida terminated so soon after the time of Muhammad ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 18/05/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why was Khilafat-e-Rashida terminated so soon after the time of Muhammad ?

The point is that the Quran has stated a fundamental principle Innal laaha laa yughayyiru maa biqawmin hatta yughayyiru maa bi anfusihim That Allah does not change the condition of any nation and does not take away His blessings This is what it means because another place has made it very clear hatta yughayyiru maa bi anfusihim That Allah does not change the condition of any nation and does not take away His blessings When Allah does not give thanks When Allah does not give thanks Then I take away my blessings I do not take away without it.

So the attitude of not giving thanks to Khilafat-e-Rashida is so clear that three Caliphs were martyred one by one and the reaction of the whole society is not seen at all in some places and there are very painful and sad situations So it is known that a lot of new Muslims had not been trained yet and because of the extraordinary high status of the Prophet they had been completely obedient to him But when the personality of the representative changed and every one who came against the Prophet was small.

So at that time, some people started taking alms and as a result, they were martyred and as a society, everyone did not show the reaction which should have been shown So Allah treated them according to His law which He has done to the nations Otherwise, it would have been a very unjust God that He is treating some nations differently But despite this, with the blessing of the Prophet He made another promise to the Prophet that despite this, I will not deprive this nation completely from your representatives and to keep it alive, I will make arrangements that at the beginning of every century I will keep creating such reformers who will keep removing the losses of the loss of Khilafat and will keep renewing the losses that will befall the religion.

So this news was also included in the news of that reformer that the Khalifa will no longer be Khilafat Otherwise, what was the question of the reformer while the Khilafat existed? That on one side there is a Khalifa and on the other side there is a reformer claiming that Islam had to be divided into pieces according to the laws of Allah The reason is that it is from the side of Satan So this is the reason that Khilafat was quickly lost But what was later reported by the Holy Prophet is that when Jesus will come He says, Then again Allah will establish Khilafat in the way of Prophethood And He did not give the news of its collapse And after that He did not mention the reformation From this we know that it is good news that Allah will continue the Khilafat of the Ahmadiyya Community for a long time.

The good news of the Prophet is that the Khilafat will continue for a thousand years Inshallah, in the right condition After that, it is possible that there will be some losses and gradually everything will be destroyed No one can stop anyone from that

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