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Why is Hassan not mentioned in our Islamic history books as part of the “Pious Caliphate” although he was a Caliph for six months ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 19/04/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why is Hassan not mentioned in our Islamic history books as part of the “Pious Caliphate” although he was a Caliph for six months ?

Had he been one of Khulafah-e-Rashideen, he could never have abandoned his Khilafat. But that was a reason for him. No, no reason whatsoever. Because our Holy Prophet, peace and blessing of God be upon him, prophesied that after me the Khilafat will remain for 30 years. And after six months of his Khilafat, this 30 years was completed. That is all right. But what I mean to say is, had he been Khalifah-e-Rashid, in the sense we take it to be, he could not live beyond Khilafat.

That is the point. Khalifah never lives beyond Khilafat. Because he is the subordinate of the Prophet, who does not live beyond his life, in his capacity of office holder. So they exactly tally with each other. Now here we see something very different. So that shows that he occupies an exceptional transition period. Now when it is a transition period, he belongs to two different categories at the same time. So we can’t quote him as a clear case.

So better not opine on him, because by mistake you may attract Allah’s wrath. So things on which you are not very sure what happened, which are enigmatic and perhaps will remain enigmatic, on that better not to open your mouth at all.

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