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Is it permissible to accept bribes in certain situations ?

Dated: 16/09/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is it permissible to accept bribes in certain situations ?

This is why I say when a system has enveloped the whole society or whole system, then it’s impossible for you, for someone, to remain completely, you know, safe from the influence. You can’t protect yourself at times. And, for instance, to fix it down, I understand, there was once an Akhati, station master, in Sindh, near Larkana, no, not Larkana, near Jaipapa, I remember, it was Sultanpur, I remember the name of the station.

So, I was making a tour, on Vakfejali tour, going to the villages where we had established our centres, and also to other Jamaats, you know. I was told that there is an MD, station master, sub-station master, you know, at that time, and he accepts private. So, I was deeply hurt, I went to him, and after discussing a few things, I said, I hope you don’t tell lies. He said, no, even if I did, I won’t tell lies to you. This is the common way of saying in the Punjab, you know. I said, no, you shouldn’t tell lies before anyone. But I know, from the way you are speaking, you will be honest. Tell me, do you accept bribes? Why do you have to? He said, yes, I do. And I’m going to tell you why do I have to.

If you tell me a way out, I promise, I’ll adopt that. He told me that here the system of bribery has become almost a government taxation system. He said, everything which is produced in this land, that is cotton and wheat, etc., has to be exported because there is no market. So, there is no manner of carrying it to other places because there are no roads available, there is only train. So, we make the rule and we dictate the terms to all these farmers because otherwise their produce will rot. So, we say that if there is one rupee for the carrot or one morsel, we say you must pay three rupees, you see, instead of one rupee. And that is a rule. And with this money, this extra money is shared right from the lowest orderly in the organization up to the general manager.

And this system is so perfect that you have to provide the money to your bosses and to your associates as well. So, he says, okay, you know that the outer of this station runs into lakes and if I do not pay them their share, they will say that I have been dishonest to them, both to my bosses and to my subordinates. So, I will be eaten up alive. And if I take from my pocket, I can’t pay even for an hour’s income of broccoli with what I get in one month or even six months, you know. That is the ratio. He said, tell me a way out, how can I do it? All that I can do, he said, was that I accept the bribes and I do not accept my share, have your guests and come then. Should that share, that very small share be diverted to Allah or not? I am rather hesitant in doing that.

What I told him was that, all right, you don’t accept your share and tell them to short circuit you. This is the best way. Apologize and say, all right, you accept this money, my bosses and my juniors, and I am not going to do it. Don’t give me anything. He said, I tried that, but I don’t think they will agree to this. After a year or so, I met him again. I asked him, did you find a solution? He said, yes. I said, what the solution was? He said, I am putting the railways. And I am doing myself business. I said to him, I bless him with flourishing business. So that is the answer in fact. There is nothing else.

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Updated on November 12, 2024

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