Hazrat Masih-e-Maud a.s. has already explained so you can’t go on inferring from one thing in a manner as to make the application unlimited for every situation every situation demands certain conditions and those conditions have to be fulfilled before taking a certain measure now I’ll explain about bribery the holy Quran has very clearly laid down that the bribery is forbidden if you intend to misappropriate the public property for your sake and for this reason if you give gifts to the rulers this is forbidden not it is not forbidden to give gifts or part with your own money to save your money they are two absolutely different things the holy Quran says don’t present things to your rulers with the purpose of misappropriating the public money and the public money has been mentioned in a most beautiful way is it amwalan nasa or amwalakum? taklu amwalakum bainakum bil batil it is your own money when you eat public money this is the property of the state of the entire people so why are you being dishonest to yourself?
because you have two aspects one individual and one community even if you steal from the community you will be destroying the peace of the entire community and ultimately you are going to get the suffering share the suffering of the people so it says do not misappropriate the public money which is your own money and for this sake do not bribe your rulers those people at the helm of affairs now that shows that if that is not the object this is not at all forbidden to give gifts to people and why it is not forbidden? that has to be kept in mind if you part with your money for reasons other than this it is not bribery so don’t think bribery is permitted in some form the definition of bribery is made so clear that in situations where it is not wrong for you to part with your money for the sake or to give gifts to the rulers that situation is not called bribery by the Holy Quran only a mal-intention with the purpose of misappropriating the people’s money that is wrong that is forbidden now conceive of any other situation.
If somebody is dishonest enough not to give you your right and you give your money to him for taking your right alone that is not at all dishonest on your part that is dishonest on his part so that bribery is not bribery according to Islam so it is permitted but with one caution I must say the present system of bribery in the world is such that when you give something out of your money for the sake of obtaining your right it is not entirely your right that you get you get something over and above what you have paid for example if some contractor pays some government official one thousand rupees for a certain job what would happen he would add instead of one thousand two thousand rupees to the cost of the project this is the common system and the officer would close his eyes and apart from that he would also lower the standard of his work and save from whichever corner he can with the result that in fact he would be giving bribery to the tune of one thousand but he will be misappropriating the public money to the tune of many thousands this is pure and simple bribery it cannot be permitted because the Messiah Muhammad S.A.W. has said that if you have to throw bone to a dog there is nothing wrong if you are afraid of injuring from a dog this is exactly how the Messiah M.S.A.W. has explained it is the crime of the dog to bark at you or to bite you it is not your crime to throw a bone to the dog to keep him quiet so this is exactly how the Holy Quran has explained and it is in fact in explanation of this verse that the Messiah M.S.A.W. has used that symbolic language