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Why are two goats sacrified for the birth of a boy while only one goat is sacrificed for the birth of a girl ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 22/06/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why are two goats sacrified for the birth of a boy while only one goat is sacrificed for the birth of a girl ?

When a child is born and we check the facts, This is a midwifery question. Sorry? I said, this is a midwifery question. No, the child is born, we can do it later. Okay, okay. Yes. Regarding the facts, two goats are sacrificed for the boys, and one for the girl. So, the other rules and traditions are the same for both men and women.

One reason is that the boy gets two shares of the inheritance, and the girl gets one. No. Yes. But the husband… No, no. No, sir. In the distribution of inheritance, the boy gets two and the girl gets one. Or the boy gets one and the girl gets half. But it is balanced. Because the husband gets it, and the brother gets it. So, there should be a balance in the responsibilities. The boy should get two goats, and the girl should get one goat. No, this is done by the parents. Inheritance is also distributed by the parents. This is just a symbol.

The fact is that giving the head and the goat, as I said, is a symbol of sacrifice. And it is also a symbol of responsibility. Why should we give the head? Why should we sacrifice? Didn’t you notice that we talk about both at the time of Hajj? Yes, yes. The elders also give the head and offer sacrifice. And everywhere in the world, not only in Islam, these two concepts are present at the same time. In some nations, which are not even far from Islam, there are religions that have come a long time ago.

Among them are the Bhikshus, or others, who give the head. And either they offer a human sacrifice, or they offer a sacrifice of an animal. So, this is actually a message to the parents, that you have to dedicate your children to God. And this is a symbol of dedication. Because in the field of Jihad, more responsibility is placed on the man. And more sacrifice is taken from him, in reality. And you can’t change this incident. That’s why this thing is more in his symbol. But it doesn’t mean that you have to rub his head too hard. It will be the same. In that way, it will work equally.

But in the sacrifice of a goat, this thing becomes prominent, it becomes distinct, that as far as the sacrifice is concerned, more expectation will be placed on you that you will increase it in the sacrifice. Therefore, the movement of life-sacrifice, in this, women can’t devote their lives in the way that men do, due to their compulsion. Many women want this, Huzoor. And they can’t do it. So, half of their sacrifice will be left. So, that symbol should have been half. Thank you, Huzoor.

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