Huzoor, as we know the word Bismillah-e-Rahman-e-Rahim was in existence before the revelation of the Holy Qur’an. Hazrat Suleyman wrote that word in his letter, Innahu min Suleymana wa innahu Bismillah-e-Rahman-e-Rahim and then Hazrat Nuh said, Al-qubu feeha Bismillah-e-majriha wa mursaha Then why, sir, this word was not adopted and used in the Torah and Bible? Well, if it was written by Hazrat Suleyman, this must be there and I think words to this effect are found in Bible.
Once I remember, I placed my finger on such a verse which was very close to Bismillah-e-Rahman-e-Rahim. So when the Holy Qur’an says that Hazrat Suleyman used it, this must have been the custom of Hazrat Tawud, Hazrat Suleyman and other prophets, otherwise he shouldn’t have used it. Yes, Huzoor, but I don’t know, in the current Bible there is no mention of similar use at all. But you search for it, maybe you find some. Thank you, Huzoor.