The angels are so numerous that according to the holy Quran for each person there are two angels looking after him and also taking account of, keeping account of him. So you can imagine the number of angels if you consider how vast the universe is and the possibilities of life elsewhere and so on. So it’s impossible to give a particular name to each angel. So how can I tell you this was that angel? Only a name is given to him to that angel and if somebody asks which is that angel he has not seen any angel.
How can we point out to say that some angel it is that angel? It’s a very stupid question therefore. Out of innumerable angels only one is named, I mean some are named but this is one of the one of those which have been named. If I ask which is Jibreel, he accepts there is a Jibreel. Can you point out to me that is Jibreel? What is the answer to this question? Which is Israel? It’s stupid, it is a stupid question to identify a certain angel. So Tichi could, is a word which may mean which comes on time. Tichi is also a Punjabi expression. So angels are known by attributes in fact and the names given to them are attributive names.
So Tichi could as well be the name of an angel who appears in time perhaps to punish the enemies. When their time reaches that angel arrives. So that angel they have often witnessed already the opponents of Ahmadiyyat. Right at the moment when they thought they had become victorious angels descended from heaven and they destroyed their scheme and frustrated their hopes and all the tables were turned against them. This has happened so many times before that you can’t keep count of it.
Individually in various regions and areas and in waves for instance there are waves of hostility towards Ahmadiyyat and they come after a certain period every time some angels descended and frustrated the plans of the enemy. So those who come on time their organizer angel could have been called Tichi. Like we guess that Jibreel is the head of the department of sending revelations. Whenever angels descend they are under the command of Jibreel.
So Israel according to us is not one single angel. He is only a symbol for death and under him there is the entire system of death creating agents and causatives which are governed by a host of angels of which except for Allah nobody knows. So this is exactly the claim of Allah. In the holy Quran it says that none knows about the hosts the number of hosts of angels except Allah. Allah’s hosts that is angels except Allah.
So the answer should be just a matter-of-fact answer try to make him understand that these things are not to be mocked at because if it if the word Tichi is strange to you so the word Jibreel is strange to a Japanese or a Korean or any other person who is not known to Islamic terminology. So he will have as much right to laugh at these things and dub them as hocus-pocus if you are doing it just for the addition of one name.