The point is, I made it very clear that among the conditions of that, you know, the agreement which was written between the two parties, Hazrat Ali, karamallahu wajahu, added this condition that this decision will only be acceptable if it was according to the dictates of the Holy Quran and the tradition of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And if any party thought that this was against the dictation of the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, that party had full right not to agree with this decision.
And he said this is the dictate of the Holy Quran, that you can’t resign, that was his position. Khilafat cannot be, you know, abdicated, that’s right, yes. So did that happen before or after this incident? This was before, of course. This was in the beginning. The battle in this, the whole episode took place right in the beginning of the differences. Then the two separate empires got established and fight went on between the two. Fights went on here and there, you know, a few skirmishes here and a few there and some battles. Not a war, but a state of restlessness continued.