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Why do some non-Ahmadi Muslims want to kill the Ahmadi Muslims when Muhammad never allowed such action ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/04/1991

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why do some non-Ahmadi Muslims want to kill the Ahmadi Muslims when Muhammad never allowed such action ?

So the question of the first questioner was that why do the non-Ahmadis they sometime try to kill the Ahmadis while they know that the Holy Prophet s.a.w. did not like it? Aha, that is what Bashir wanted to ask.

I think you should be you should you asked your father to take you to Pakistan and ask the question to the mullahs themselves. Put this question to them and find an answer because it’s meaningless as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t have any sense whatsoever. So ask the mullahs why do they do it and then they’ll let you know.

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