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Of the many sects of Islam, why do Ahmadis believe that the Ahmadiyya sect is the correct one ?

Dated: 14/09/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Of the many sects of Islam, why do Ahmadis believe that the Ahmadiyya sect is the correct one ?

This question was asked, put to Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam It was asked long before, about 1400 some years before and was put direct to Ahazrat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam So his answer is obviously his best answer You understand that point? No better answer could be expected by you than an answer which has already been given by Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam the founder of Islam and that makes this difficult question very easy although the question is very difficult particularly for a newcomer to Islam like you are to find Islam divided into 72 sects plus one community.

So it is not the question of whether the Ahmadiyya community is right or they are right It is an open question for everybody Out of the 73, one is Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and 72 are the sects So each one claims to be heavenly saints For a newcomer who has got converted from Christianity or other religion It is a big criterion, very difficult judgment to make Is that correct? So look at the greatness of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam How easily he made it clear How simplified When one of the companions asked the saint O Prophet of God How do we find out which one out of the 73 will be heavenly saints and which are the heavenly saints as you have explained Now this is the background of the question Just before the question was asked Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was predicting about Islam ultimately being divided into 72 sects And one Jamaat, Jamaat is the word in Urdu would be on top of the 72 sects That would be the saints and settlers And also he said that 72 would go to heaven And one Jamaat will be heavenly These are exactly the words Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has also predicted like this.

So in this background somebody was wondering And put this question to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam Who will be that one next sect? How could he find out? Very difficult question really But look at the answer He said Ma’ana al-Alami was probably So simplified He said why should we doubt about the sect who will go to heaven Whoever you find In the same state in which you find me and my followers Of course he would be the head of the heavenly sect Do you understand the whole thing? What was the state in which he was found? And who was responsible for that state? If you answer this question Or understand the answer of this question The matter is so simple, so simplified Hazrat Musuddin sallallahu alaihi wa sallam And his followers Were not permitted To say La ilaha illallah Muhammad Musuddin sallallahu alaihi wa sallam They were being thoroughly beaten Dragged in the stony streets of Mecca And they were sometimes Put to extreme tortures Which human beings Or Buddhist beings can invent.

All sorts of tortures were invented And the followers were put to these tortures For the crime of saying La ilaha illallah Muhammad Musuddin sallallahu alaihi wa sallam They were forbidden Which is the sect Now I put back the question to you Today Who is not permitted In a Muslim country To say La ilaha illallah Muhammad Musuddin sallallahu alaihi wa sallam And to write it on their text Do you know their answers? Which one? None of them They have their animosities, hostilities between them Each sect hates the other There is no doubt Each sect declares the other to be An infidel But each permitted The use of Karimah The only sect Which is distinguished Stand alone Is Ahmadiyyat The government Agencies come along with the Mullah And they wipe The Karimah out themselves Because the Ahmadis don’t Request to the Karimah.

They say whatever you do We are not going to agree to this So one thing Is highly very clear, is there not? That this state In which Ahmadis sallallahu alaihi wa sallam And his followers This is Only applicable To the Ahmadis Agree? Right He was not permitted And his followers were not permitted To build mosques And It is on record That Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A. The would-be characteristic During the Nazi days Built mosques In his own courtyard Because the Muslims Were not permitted to build mosques Outside the mosque Even He was mosque in his own courtyard People broke the wall And went in and said What do we see here?

You cannot build a mosque Even in your own courtyard Exactly the same thing Repeated in Karachi a few months ago And this has been happening Every mosque has been demolished Burnt out, razed to ground That is a common story But this particular incident Got repeated Word for word In Kurangi town in Karachi They Mocked in every house That you are saying your prayers In this house, you have been waiting For a mosque, you are not permitted We are asked Deeply You know, uncertain If the enemy Begins to say prayer Of congregation in his own house So the poor children In the family were given refuge In the neighbor’s house.

They had to I mean They moved to the Family’s house Because of the relationship with the Congregation So this is a common story Now tell me, which other sect Enjoys this state To your colleagues? None of us Again The enemies Are Told that we are not going To accept you As Muslim So that so You are not permitted Even to name yourself as a Muslim It is we who have the right To name you And we have named you either Mizrahi or Qadha Not your name Muslim Is out of question But within Islam We won’t permit you Even to name yourself So the question Of calling yourself Muslim or Ahmadi is ruled out So Admit yourself to be Mizrahi or Qadha and let it go Very straight In Andhra-Sagra-Dawah era Some time The Muslims were treated in such a way They were told And the Holy Quran records this They were told that your name Is Fatih Tradition speaks Of this in detail And tells us that at one occasion Hazrat Umar Ibn Karbala Karul R.A The would be second Character of Islam When he went To Khan Aqab This is a holy place A place of worship In Mecca He got somebody With him to declare that Hazrat Umar Had become a Muslim.

So when he declared this That Umar says he has become a Muslim He was mocked And told immediately They said he can see himself Call himself Fatih That is ok we permit that Because we have named them Sadhus But to declare himself to be Muslim That is Repulsive So another Companion of Hazrat Umar Was beaten so thoroughly Just for the crime of declaring himself To be Muslim That he recorded himself That I lost My sight And I did not know which way I was running But he was So thoroughly beaten So smashed in my face That I could not see the direction But I ran in one direction I don’t know how I was saved ultimately So this is the punishment Which had been Teached upon us Just for declaring themselves Muslims they have been jailed in Pakistan They have been thrown into 50 laboratories And locked By the police This is your punishment You still insist on calling yourself Muslims.

So take this punishment Is there any other sect Who is being treated like that For calling themselves Muslims Are they punished like this If you know of any I don’t know None of them does Because this is the only sect We are not permitted Even to say prayers And this is the demand We are declared as renegades And the punishment For the renegades According to the Mullahs Stoning to death Or killing by anybody Daily we receive reports From Pakistan That under that Martial law regime Which is extremely sensitive to its own criticism Even the slightest Finger raised against them Is cut It’s so permissive About Mughal beings Declaring Ahmadis Lives and Properties Confiscated In the right of Islam They do not mind The Mullah goes on Preaching everybody that they are Not forbidden to you In fact if you kill an Ahmadi Nobody cares This has been going on and on And nobody checks Nobody minds And this is exactly the stage of affairs In which Ahmad Rasulullah And his followers found themselves It was openly declared That whoever came as a Muslim As a follower of Muhammad Rasulullah Would do a good deed Would be rewarded for that deed It should be a commendable act You can lose their property You can occupy their homes You can dishonor their ladies.

Whatever you please This is all permissible The terrorist threatened them And then it happened to Ahmadis So much so that ultimately Some of the officers have got fed up Of this nonsense They themselves have started showing reaction to this Because cruelty in life After all Has an impact on human nature And sometimes those who observe cruelty They reach a threshold Beyond that they cannot tolerate it So I just received A report The report from a martial administrator Who After tolerating it for some time In his region Because people in that region For the very first time And they treated Ahmadis so abusively That It went beyond the limit of his toleration At last So he called the Mullah And told them You are telling every Muslim in the region To kill Ahmadis So that they could go to heaven The killers So he said Now I am telling you This is beyond my toleration now Now I am telling you that Before they are sent to heaven by you I am going to send you to heaven.

So prepare Yourself for that heaven I think Because if you do that again I am going to treat you very very Sweetly That is They are breaking down Like Many an opponent of Huzoor-e-Kursa Hussain ultimately broke down To this cruelty Hazrat Umar’s father Became a Muslim just because of This special victim Hazrat Umar For the treatment Inhuman treatment of the Christians Or the oppressed The oppressor breaks down Seeing the cruelty done To the oppressed This is exactly what happened to Hazrat Umar’s family So count Things one after the other And all of them Will be found together That is Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya So much so that even The Hajj of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Is forbidden You know that No, alright, then you learn it now That in 74 White people declared as non-Muslims In the same year We were forbidden To perform Hajj By the Pakistan government As well as by the Saudi government.

At least for Pakistanis They can generally close their eyes To other Ahmadis coming from other directions If they can afford to But if the matter is taken Openly, then they can’t help it They have to prevent Ahmadis from Performing Hajj And do you know the first person In history who is known To have been prevented from performing Hajj Who he was? Do you know him? Insul-e-Hudaybiyah Hudaybiyah is the place where This ultimate agreement was signed Between the two Groups That is the Muslims and Ahmadis That is Known in the name of that Field Which is called the field of Hudaybiyah So It was there that he was prevented From going further in the direction of Ahmadiyyat And after that Now as a sect We are included.

So all these things Speak for themselves And this is the beauty of the answer That for these things You do not have to be a learned person Because if Out of 73, only one was A sect That it was binding For every Muslim To find out which one was that And Lack of knowledge should not have been permitted To stand in the way of finding the truth Otherwise An illiterate person would Complain to us To God It looks as if you made me Born In an illiterate family And it was impossible for me To find out the truth after studying The Holy Quran, the traditions, the various sects Their differences, their comparative Arguments and so on and so forth Even if I devoted The whole lifetime to this Pursuit, I could not have Achieved it That’s why I can’t share it.

So Rasul-Allah Saved us from all this botheration By giving an answer Which can be equally understood By the literate As well as the illiterate By the black as well as the white Because this is the history of Islam Which is known to everyone Every Muslim Right from the childhood Is taught that this is what was happening To the believers of Islam So in the remotest In the remotest villages of Africa In the darkest corners of Africa They can see light through this Pointer of our Rasul-Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam So I think this is the best proof That we have of our truth Of our being on the right But if you want to Further investigate Then the Books are Available on every subject Anything you like You can have there In German, in Spanish Although you won’t have enough literature in Spanish But you understand German alright In French you will have And English I think to a Great extent

So anything in particular If it is In your mind Can be Sorted out By studying But generally speaking I think this is the best answer that you can do

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Updated on November 11, 2024

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