Allah can show signs in any time of the year, any season, but this Bahar has special significance for Ahmadiyyat Because I think that it is significant in the context of Ahmadiyyat’s position vis-a-vis the earlier part of Islam When there is a fall, after the full bloom of vegetation, the first bloom and the first upsurge, there comes a fall and people lose hope And then when the spring comes, it brings new hope, although the trees are the same, the flora has not changed Same are the grass and the branches and the trees, everything.
So Allah wants to signify by this that it is not a new garden, it is the same garden of Muhammad, which has seen a sad season of fall So new hope will be brought to them through the spring of Ahmadiyyat That, as I understand, is the significance. So that is a very important season of the year So when signs are shown, particularly in that season, that again proves that Ahmadiyyat is really like spring to Islam Because those signs which appear in the spring, they support Ahmadiyyat and they are signs in favour of Ahmadiyyat So it further proves that it is a good omen for the rest of the people, the rest of the world