Is it true that when somebody is converted to Ahmadiyyat, he loses all the sins from the past religion? That he starts a new life? If anybody who repents truly and honestly, his past sins can be forgiven. You don’t say his past sins are automatically forgiven, because it is with Allah to forgive sins. It is for him to decide. So that can’t be said about everyone who gets converted to Ahmadiyyat too.
There is a likelihood, you can say, he has got the chance of a lifetime, if he is so sincere and if he is truly transformed, that his sins would be forgiven. But beyond that, we can’t say with certainty. So that means if he is just doing it to clear up his sins, one thing out, so that means he wouldn’t be forgiven? I said I can’t say, because it is up to Allah. But there is a likelihood, yes.