It is said that Adam was the first man on earth, it is also said that he was the first prophet. But prophets are sent by God for the reformation and guidance of mankind, so mustn’t there have been people already there for Adam’s sake? Yes, exactly. You are so right. This is exactly the position. He was not the first man. That is wrong. And the Holy Quran never says anywhere, even remotely, that Adam was the first man. Adam was the first caliph of Allah.
That is prophet. Caliph in the respect of prophets is the first application of the word caliph. Caliph in respect to others who are subordinate to prophets is the second application of the word. Primarily, caliph is the one who is the deputy resurgent of Allah on this earth. That is prophet. So Adam was the first prophet. He was not the first man. The Holy Quran denies it, refutes the concept that Adam was the first man. And this is against the scientific observations as well. Thank you.