If anyone hasn’t heard about Islam or Ahmadiyyat, will he be punished by God after he dies? If anybody has not heard of Ahmadiyyat, is it a crime not to hear about Ahmadiyyat? Is it written anywhere? You know, the obvious thing is, I have spoken on this subject at length, in depth as well, but to tell you the fundamental, rest assured that Allah is never cruel to his creatures. He is not only just, he is beneficent, he is merciful. His mercy overwhelms every other attribute of Allah.
So how can you expect such a thing from him? Which is so abhorrent to your own nature. Do you think you are more refined, sophisticated than Allah? That a thing which is so abhorrent to your nature, Allah would practice? So think well of Allah, not ill of Allah. This is the fundamental principle under which you should shape your life. Because then you will understand your Lord better. He can’t be unjust. Iniquity is something unknown to Allah. That is to say in his practice. Allah is not only just, he is merciful, beneficent and all that is kind is in him. So you can’t expect anything cruel from him.