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Is the Durood Sharif a fulfillment of the revelation by God to Abraham in the Bible that says, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12:2-3) ?

Dated: 05/08/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is the Durood Sharif a fulfillment of the revelation by God to Abraham in the Bible that says, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12:2-3) ?

In the Bible, I think it’s Genesis chapter 12 verse 33, God tells Abraham that he will bless Abraham so much that nations will pray, Lord bless us as thou hast blessed Abraham and his people, which is what we Muslims pray when we say the Dhruv Sharif whilst doing namaz. Could you please elaborate on that? Elaborate what? The philosophy of the Dhruv Sharif? Why we mention Abraham? Or what? I mean what is it stating your mind in this regard? That God tells Abraham that he will bless Abraham’s people. Yes, so what?

I mean take your time, first define the question because this question is vague to me, I can’t follow what you want to know. Because in Genesis, in the Bible, God tells Abraham that he will bless Abraham so much that nations will pray, Lord bless us as thou hast blessed Abraham and his people, which is what we Muslims pray when we say the Dhruv Sharif in namaz. Could you elaborate on that please? Elaborate on what?

I mean what is the point which is difficult for you to understand? Unless you define your question, I can’t answer. I mean what seems to be wrong with this situation? The Bible says that Abraham would be blessed, so will be his generations which will follow him, his progeny would also be blessed. And when we refer to our Prophet and pray for him and his people, his followers, we remind Allah that you have once shown favours to Abraham who was not the very best of Prophets, although he stood very high.

So when you have shown such favours to a lesser Prophet than Muhammad Mustafa, he deserved this much more and his people too. So show your blessings as you showered your blessings upon earlier Prophets, particularly Abraham and his followers and his progeny. That is the message. This is why, you know, in fact, there is a custom of quoting precedents. Whenever a case is presented, to strengthen the case, a good advocate would always quote a precedent, that I want this favour because this favour has been shown to Mr. So-and-so. This decision was given in case of that, in that judgment regarding so-and-so. Quotation of precedent strengthens the case.

And once the precedent is quoted, then it is difficult for the person who hears the case to reject the application. This is a normal routine in human affairs. So in prayers too, if you quote a precedent that this has been done before, why not again? Particularly when this case is more deserving, that makes the prayer more fortified and strong. So it is to strengthen your Dhruv Sharif that this method is adopted. Also, it is a reminder to the Ummah that you are not in position and status. You are second to none. And don’t expect that the blessings of Allah would stop. And no subordinate prophet should ever appear because they are the best blessings shown upon Abraham.

When this is an established fact that Abraham was blessed by subordinate prophethood for a long time in his progenies, in and among his people, for a long time to come, why should the Muslims consider themselves, as if working under inferiority complex, to be a comparatively lowly placed people, as if they do not deserve those favors of Allah which earlier prophets did. So Allah made them ask and beg him that please show all those favors, at least all those favors, upon Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ and his people as you showed these favors earlier to Abraham and to his people. So why Abraham was chosen? One of the reasons is that previously no prophet was blessed in a greater degree and in widest application than Abraham.

Of all the prophets, he is called the father of prophets, the father of nations and he seems to be beyond doubt the most beloved of Allah before Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. So to make a precedent, to quote a precedent before God, no better name could be named in that prayer than Abraham. So Abraham is mentioned to remind Allah that you have done such things before, why not again? And to remind the Muslim people that you should expect at least the same favors, if not more, which were shown earlier to Abraham. So it serves both these purposes. Is your question answered? Is that what you wanted to understand?

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Updated on November 16, 2024

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