Muhammad the Liberator of Women


Throughout history, women have been powerless and weak. Before the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s arrival, a woman was regarded as man’s slave and property, and no religion or nation could offer the woman rights and freedom. When their husbands died, they were forced to marry relatives or sold for money. There was no law that could protect them. Prophet Muhammad proclaimed in the name of God that men and women are equal. He declared that a man does not own his wife. He may not sell or force her into slavery. The teaching of the Holy Prophet raised the status of women as being not only equal to men, but also gave them freedom for social, physical and spiritual development. This book is about women’s rights and freedom in Islam and shows that Holy Prophet Muhammad was indeed the liberator of women.

Muhammad the Liberator of Women

Throughout history, women have been powerless and weak. Before the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s arrival, a woman was regarded as man’s slave and property, and no religion or nation could offer the woman rights and freedom. When their husbands died, they were forced to marry relatives or sold for money. There was no law that could protect them. Prophet Muhammad proclaimed in the name of God that men and women are equal. He declared that a man does not own his wife. He may not sell or force her into slavery. The teaching of the Holy Prophet raised the status of women as being not only equal to men, but also gave them freedom for social, physical and spiritual development. This book is about women’s rights and freedom in Islam and shows that Holy Prophet Muhammad was indeed the liberator of women.

Author Details

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Hazrat al-Haj Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad (ra) (1889–1965), was the second Khalifah of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He was the son of the Promised Messiah and his birth was the fulfilment of the Musleh Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) prophecy. From his early childhood, he was gifted with knowledge—both, secular and spiritual—and a deep love for the Holy Quran. He was nineteen years old when the Promised Messiah (as) passed away. In 1914, at the age of 25, he was elected as Khalifatul-Masih II. During his almost fifty-two years of Khilafat, he led the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community internationally, expanding the Movement to forty-six countries. He was an avid scholar and a prolific author, who spoke and wrote extensively to defend Islam. A twenty-six-volume compilation of his works called Anwarul-‘Ulum contains over 800 writings and lectures (excluding several thousand sermons). His Tafsir-e-Kabir—a ten-volume commentary of the Holy Quran—is revered as a treasure trove today. He passed away on 8 November 1965 in Rabwah, Pakistan, and was succeeded by Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad as Khalifatul-Masih III (rh).

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