Ahmadiyyat or The True Islam


Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam was first published in 1924 and has been published many times since. It is an extended treatise of a lecture read at The Conference of Living Religions Within the Empire in London. The treatise exhaustively deals with the subjects as the conception of God, His relation to man and attainment of Communion with Him. It also deals with the Islamic teachings on morals and their social aspects—relations within family, the community, between partners in business and between government and people. Nature of the human soul, life after death and the nature of heaven and hell have also been addressed. Most important of all is that all the issues dealt with in the treatise have been supported and documented from the Holy Quran and Hadith which places this unique dissertation among the most authentic works on Islam. It is as relevant today as it was when first published to present the true teachings of Islam and to counter hostile propaganda against it.

Ahmadiyyat or The True Islam

Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam was first published in 1924 and has been published many times since. It is an extended treatise of a lecture read at The Conference of Living Religions Within the Empire in London. The treatise exhaustively deals with the subjects as the conception of God, His relation to man and attainment of Communion with Him. It also deals with the Islamic teachings on morals and their social aspects—relations within family, the community, between partners in business and between government and people. Nature of the human soul, life after death and the nature of heaven and hell have also been addressed. Most important of all is that all the issues dealt with in the treatise have been supported and documented from the Holy Quran and Hadith which places this unique dissertation among the most authentic works on Islam. It is as relevant today as it was when first published to present the true teachings of Islam and to counter hostile propaganda against it.

Author Details

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Hazrat al-Haj Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad (ra) (1889–1965), was the second Khalifah of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He was the son of the Promised Messiah and his birth was the fulfilment of the Musleh Mau‘ud (Promised Reformer) prophecy. From his early childhood, he was gifted with knowledge—both, secular and spiritual—and a deep love for the Holy Quran. He was nineteen years old when the Promised Messiah (as) passed away. In 1914, at the age of 25, he was elected as Khalifatul-Masih II. During his almost fifty-two years of Khilafat, he led the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community internationally, expanding the Movement to forty-six countries. He was an avid scholar and a prolific author, who spoke and wrote extensively to defend Islam. A twenty-six-volume compilation of his works called Anwarul-‘Ulum contains over 800 writings and lectures (excluding several thousand sermons). His Tafsir-e-Kabir—a ten-volume commentary of the Holy Quran—is revered as a treasure trove today. He passed away on 8 November 1965 in Rabwah, Pakistan, and was succeeded by Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad as Khalifatul-Masih III (rh).

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